Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hey guys is this stuff for real?


Hey guys is this stuff for real?

I am just amazed by what all of you are saying and am ready to get started.
Is this stuff is for real? Are there any sides effects or anything?

Also set me up a routine because I am completely lost. I read everything and saw the video but still dont know exactly what all to do.

I don’t know what a hot wrap is or that k word I can’t remember the name of it though.


First thing, read the Forum Guidelines, especially the part about posting. Notice all the red lettering in your post? Click the faq button at the top of any page to access the guidelines. Second, do some reading. Start with the first thread in the Newbie Forum.

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Oh sorry guys I didn’t mean to do anything wrong/ my bad.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Nope, it’s fake, go away.

Shit I wish somebody told me that two years ago.

Sure thunder

Honestly man, here’s how it is: We are all civil servents hired by the government whose SOLE PURPOSE is to decieve you into purchasing PE products that jelq and stretch your penis away. Little do you know, the money we get from this goes straight to the government and their research and development of a weapon capable of incapacitating the enigmatic TwatTeaser. To the rest of the forum: I apologize in advance for breaking down and divulging the truth to this man. My effusive nature got to me.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


If you haven’t noticed already, the guys around here will bullshit you to death. Yes it works. As Thunder (our beloved leader) has stated read, read, read, and read some more. Read the newbie routine, read the articles, just read! Then come back and ask questions.

We are glad you are with us and hope your stay will be enjoyable, and that you get the gains you hope and wish for. Just keep the goal reasonable, and then increase the goal as necessary.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Remain, look under Sunshines name dude. She’s a female. Therefore, there is an inherent implication that she doesn’t have a dick buddy. She only thinks PE works because we tell her it works and we tell her it works to further implement our plan of coercing you into buying PE products. Now get to using that credit card!

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


give the new guy a break. Not everybody does everything right the first time…except maybe me..:D

But like everybody else said before me, the best thing you can do is go through the different routines, especially the Newbie routine, read and gather information BEFORE you start your new workouts. And…DON’T overdo it!!!

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

The best advise anyone can give you is read and don’t overdo it when you start. I have been only doing this a year and a half now and sometimes when I go to piss I think who’s dick is this, LOL

Side effects:

A bigger dick.
Girls bug you for sex.
You tend to run around naked more often.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Originally Posted by sheneedsmore

The best advise anyone can give you is read and don’t overdo it when you start. I have been only doing this a year and a half now and sometimes when I go to piss I think who’s dick is this, LOL

This happens to me all the time. “What’s this heavy thing I’ve found in my pants?” Still can’t believe it myself.

I have sexdaily! I mean dyslexia! Fcuk!


I was wondering how many girls, or guys for that matter, have bugged you for more sex?

I’m on PE since…shit…1998, I think and have had only one girl grab my crotch and say “Nice package…!”. I couldn’t even act on it because I had my GF around…lol.

Some guys must be luckier than others…

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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