Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HI guys, new PE'er Help develop routine.


HI guys, new PE'er Help develop routine.

Well I must say that this looks like the best site I’ve come across yet.
I started off wrong by ordering some Pro-enhance patches due to their claims but after reading around this site I canceled my order. ;)

I would like to get some help developing a routine so here’s some info about me to help you guys help me. :)

I’m 19.
Weight about 140lbs.
Am about 5’9.
I measured my EBPL @ 6.25” and my Girth @ 4.25”.
Length measured by pressing ruling instrument down to pelvic bone on top of penis.
Girth taken about half inch behind head of penis, where the skin the covers the head when flaccid meets the shaft skin.
I am wanting to go for big gains in length and girth.
I think a good goal is 8” EBPL which would be about 6-6.5” normal, and a Girth of 5.5” to 6”.

The main reason I’m PE’ing is because when not Bone Pressed it measures to be about 5.5” or so, and personally I’d like better not just for myself but for the person I’m with.

I started actual exercises one Sunday night but am only now figuring out the proper way to perform them.
I realize I am just starting so I have only done five Squeezes @ 5 seconds each and ten Tension Stretches @ 10 seconds each. I do these because Big Al from peforums said they were the best ones.

I have about 30-90 mins each day to myself, although I hope the routine would take a max of 45 mins.

I am also having trouble with Kegels, maybe I just don’t understand them. When I try to kegel I can only make my penis jump to erection state or bounce for about one second. Is this what I am supposed to be doing?

Please formulate a routine for my first two weeks and weeks 3-4. I would appreciate this very much.
My current idea for first week is:
Mon: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Tue: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Wed: Rest
Thur: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Fri: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Sat: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Sun: Rest

With 5 Squeezes @ 5 seconds, 10 Stretches @ 10 Seconds (I move it in a small circle to stretch all ligaments), and 5 minutes or 50 equivalent jelqs.

Week two I plan same routine but with 10 Squeezes @ 5 Seconds, 15 Stretches @ 10 Seconds, and 10 minutes or 100 equivalent Jelqs.

Again, all input and help is MUCH appreciated.

Last edited by wtfh4xx : 06-24-2008 at .

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Well I must say that this looks like the best site I’ve come across yet.
I started off wrong by ordering some Pro-enhance patches due to their claims but after reading around this site I canceled my order. ;)

I would like to get some help developing a routine so here’s some info about me to help you guys help me. :)

I’m 19.
Weight about 140lbs.
Am about 5’9.
I measured my EBPL @ 6.25” and my Girth @ 4.25”.
Length measured by pressing ruling instrument down to pelvic bone on top of penis.
Girth taken about half inch behind head of penis, where the skin the covers the head when flaccid meets the shaft skin.
I am wanting to go for big gains in length and girth.
I think a good goal is 8” EBPL which would be about 6-6.5” normal, and a Girth of 5.5” to 6”.

The main reason I’m PE’ing is because when not Bone Pressed it measures to be about 5.5” or so, and personally I’d like better not just for myself but for the person I’m with.

I started actual exercises one Sunday night but am only now figuring out the proper way to perform them.
I realize I am just starting so I have only done five Squeezes @ 5 seconds each and ten Tension Stretches @ 10 seconds each. I do these because Big Al from peforums said they were the best ones.

I have about 30-90 mins each day to myself, although I hope the routine would take a max of 45 mins.

I am also having trouble with Kegels, maybe I just don’t understand them. When I try to kegel I can only make my penis jump to erection state or bounce for about one second. Is this what I am supposed to be doing?

Please formulate a routine for my first two weeks and weeks 3-4. I would appreciate this very much.
My current idea for first week is:
Mon: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Tue: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Wed: Rest
Thur: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Fri: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Sat: Warm up, Squeeze, Tension Stretch, Jelq, cool down (shower)
Sun: Rest

With 5 Squeezes @ 5 seconds, 10 Stretches @ 10 Seconds (I move it in a small circle to stretch all ligaments), and 5 minutes or 50 equivalent jelqs.

Week two I plan same routine but with 10 Squeezes @ 5 Seconds, 15 Stretches @ 10 Seconds, and 10 minutes or 100 equivalent Jelqs.

Again, all input and help is MUCH appreciated.

Remarkably enough, you aren’t the first newbie to come to this site. All the work of formulating a beginning routine for you has already been done. Start here: Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine.

As for Kegels, you want to exercise the BC muscle (Locating the bc muscle). Try to interrupt the flow next time you take a leak. That’s the muscle you should be working when you do Kegels.

I’m aware I’m not the first, and I reviewed and read through the sites beginner stuff before I posted here. ;)

And I know what muscle I should be using for kegels but I can only seem to use and hold it when pissing or ejaculating, otherwise I can only make my penis dance (bounce up) :P.
Is there a certain erection level I should have when attempting kegels or can they be done flaccid?

Does anyone have input on the routine I have created?

Began: 6/23/08 @ 6.25" EBPL & 4.25 Girth.

Goal: 8" EBPL & 5.5" Girth.

Last edited by wtfh4xx : 06-24-2008 at .

Kegel’s can be done flaccid, yes :) .

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
I’m aware I’m not the first, and I reviewed and read through the sites beginner stuff before I posted here. ;)

And I know what muscle I should be using for kegels but I can only seem to use and hold it when pissing or otherwise.
Is there a certain erection level I should have when attempting kegels or can they be done flaccid?

I do Kegels flaccid. If you can find the muscle when you pee, then you should be able to do the same thing when you are flaccid. After you have mastered that, you can experiment with doing them while erect and see if that makes a difference to you. You aren’t likely to overdo it with Kegels as long as you keep the number within reason.

By the way, welcome to TP! I’m glad you picked up the sarcasm. Sometimes people write funny things and I just can’t help myself. ;)

Thanks for everyone’s help so far.
Still looking for input on the routine I have up.

And I’m a man of sarcasm myself Mr. Invisible. ;)

Began: 6/23/08 @ 6.25" EBPL & 4.25 Girth.

Goal: 8" EBPL & 5.5" Girth.

Hey there Hi!!

Invisible gave you good advice, and I would like to add something. The newbie routine is a guideline, it isn’t written in stone. Modify it to meet your individual needs. Sometimes less is more, listen to your body and you will do fine.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Would you guys recommend the Tensions Stretch or the JAI Stretch?

Began: 6/23/08 @ 6.25" EBPL & 4.25 Girth.

Goal: 8" EBPL & 5.5" Girth.

Welcome. I started around you size (actually smaller bp) but our nbp were almost equal, plus I was only 4.3 in midbase girth. Right now Im about 6.35-6.4 nbp and my girth is around 4.5 in.

I took ten months more or less for this progress and as everyone else I would suggest the Newbie routine and about your previous post I would say JAI, but that is just my personal preference.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

I’m really just wondering which gives better results.
Id rather do better stretches with less reps to start than fllw the newbie routine.

So far I don’t have any negative side effects from doing warm up, 5 squeezes, 10 tension stretches, cool down and will be adding jelqs in when I get lube lol. I plan on increasing # of squeezes and stretches by 5 per week and increasing days per week of exercise.

And how important are kegels? Because right now like I stated before I can’t really perform them, only make movements, can’t hold. Maybe because I havnt taught my body which muscles are which yet. When I try to kegel I tense my butt and lower stomach muscles also. Is this right? Or should it only be tensing my BC?

Began: 6/23/08 @ 6.25" EBPL & 4.25 Girth.

Goal: 8" EBPL & 5.5" Girth.

Gotta start the JAI stretches, everyone who does them seems to rate them highly.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I would not suggest JAI stretches - too sudden high tension, not good for newbies.

JAI stretches are directed to be done with medium tension..

Tension Stretches use high tension, as much as you can stand without causing pain.

Began: 6/23/08 @ 6.25" EBPL & 4.25 Girth.

Goal: 8" EBPL & 5.5" Girth.

I guess the accent was on “sudden”. A slow, progressive tension cause a different effect than a abrupt stretch on penile tissues.

Hi I'm new

I’m 21 years old, and I have been dating a friends cousin, and she just tell him and his friends ( also my friends) that my penis is short, I think you all can understand how I felt about it,
While fl acid my penis is 3 in long and 4 in diameter ( 7 cm and 10 cm),
And fully erected it’s 4 inches maybe 4 and a half, and 5 in diameter ( 11 cm and 13 cm)

I had been doing some of the exercises shown in the videos in the forum for almost 3 weeks, and I have not seen any result, I know that I have to wait for at least another week but I want to know if my routine is accurate,
I do this 5 days a week, Monday to Friday and I rest Saturday and Sunday,
I have read some stuff in here and I think that my problem is tunica because I have good erections ” rock ones”

Well here is my routine
1.- hot towel for about 2 or 3 minutes
2.-stretching type jelqing, 5 series, 3 movements on each side ( left, right, down, etc)
3.- 3 series of wet jelqing, 15 minutes the first one, 12 minutes the other two.
4.-simple stretching, erected bending, and BTC stretching.
5.- hot towel and massage for 5 minutes.

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