Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi, new guy here with a quick question


Hi, new guy here with a quick question

Hey gang

Just had a quick question for you all. What are the pros and cons of jelqing while clamping? Is it better than normal jelqing? Is it better to just leave clamping alone and not interfer?

Feedback welcomed


Originally Posted by VA06
Hey gang

Just had a quick question for you all. What are the pros and cons of jelqing while clamping? Is it better than normal jelqing? Is it better to just leave clamping alone and not interfer?

Feedback welcomed

Welcome! Dude, It’s best to wait till you have a few months under your belt before clamping. Condition your dick before jumping into advance exercises.

Started PEing 09/2005 Took a 2 year break. Thinking of restarting.

I jelq with a clamp
but you really can not jelq the same way.

it is far more dangerous, as the clamp will give you a painful boner that could chip a diamond.

Oh, and uh … I agree, get a few months on your belt first.

You could easily rupture a vessel and bleed like crazy.

Stick with shower jelqs for a good few months.

K thanks guys.

I’v been peing almost 3 weeks now.

Daily (I try) I do

Heat pad warm up
Manual stretches
30 minutes wet jelqing
At least 1 hour hanging

So today I tried clamping for the first time, 20 mins, not too tight.

Do you think it’s too soon to implement clamping somewhere in my routine? I know pe is not a race and I take everything slowly for now. I’m in no rush.

Hey man,

May I just say, awesome starting statistics. Not only would I wait on the clamping, I’d sideline the hanging for a while. I know you probably think you can take it, but you are very much prone to injury if you are not conditioned. Good luck with your gains

Thanks soty

I think I’ll start hanging every other day instead.

As for clamping, I guess it is kind of soon to get into that, but curiosity was killing. I just wanted to see what it was like since everyone goes on about it. I guess I’ll put clamping aside for another couple of months.

Don’t hang until you have done PE for at least 3 months consistently. You have one dick, you don’t want to mess it up, do you?

Yeah good call, from everything I’ve heard, best to keep it simple for the first few months to condition yourself to it. I was adding pumping to my routine for the first week or so, but I’ve dropped it out and have just kept it down to wrap, stretches, wet jelq, kegels. Imo and from what most ppl say the best way to start.

23 Years Old

Current: 6.4 NBPEL 5.2 EG 4.2 NBPFL 4.5 FG

Goal: 8.5 NBPEL 6.5-7 EG 6.0 NBPFL 5.5 FG

Originally Posted by VA06
K thanks guys.

I’v been peing almost 3 weeks now.

Daily (I try) I do

Heat pad warm up
Manual stretches
30 minutes wet jelqing
At least 1 hour hanging

So today I tried clamping for the first time, 20 mins, not too tight.

Do you think it’s too soon to implement clamping somewhere in my routine? I know pe is not a race and I take everything slowly for now. I’m in no rush.

I would remove hanging and clamping from that routine and would also cut the jelqing down to 10 - 15 minutes if I were you. It would also be a good idea to do a kegel workout as part of your routine and also add a warm down at the end of it.

good luck on your gains.

I think conditioning for clamping is more important than conditioning for hanging. And I don’t think reducing the jelk time is necessary.

Clamping creates tremendous pressure on the arteries, veins, and tissue of the penis. Jelking gets your penis in shape for handling increasing pressure. After you get used to jelking, you can add squeezes, bends, uli’s to further condition your penis, and increase the pressure. I also like to clamp the base of my dick with one hand while I jelk with the other, to get good pressure. Once you build up gradually like that, then you will be physically ready to clamp.

When I clamp, the pressure is so high and my dick is so engorged and rock hard that jelking doesn’t even seem possible. But sometimes I will add a little bit of a bend, or a squeeze of the head while clamping to increase pressure.

When you are ready to clamp I think 20 minutes is too long. I would go with something like 3x10 minutes. Shorter sets, but more intense.

For hanging, just start light, keep the sets at 15 minutes or less, and watch for head pain and bruising.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I think conditioning for clamping is more important than conditioning for hanging. And I don’t think reducing the jelk time is necessary.
Clamping creates tremendous pressure on the arteries, veins, and tissue of the penis. Jelking gets your penis in shape for handling increasing pressure. After you get used to jelking, you can add squeezes, bends, uli’s to further condition your penis, and increase the pressure. I also like to clamp the base of my dick with one hand while I jelk with the other, to get good pressure. Once you build up gradually like that, then you will be physically ready to clamp.
When I clamp, the pressure is so high and my dick is so engorged and rock hard that jelking doesn’t even seem possible. But sometimes I will add a little bit of a bend, or a squeeze of the head while clamping to increase pressure.
When you are ready to clamp I think 20 minutes is too long. I would go with something like 3x10 minutes. Shorter sets, but more intense.
For hanging, just start light, keep the sets at 15 minutes or less, and watch for head pain and bruising.

Thanks alot for the advice mravg.

And everyone else thank you.

Originally Posted by VA06
Hey gang

Just had a quick question for you all. What are the pros and cons of jelqing while clamping? Is it better than normal jelqing? Is it better to just leave clamping alone and not interfer?

Feedback welcomed

It hurts. I prefer squeezes when clamped. But this is rather intense, so be careful.
Do squeezes up the shaft, but be careful not to hurt your dorsal nerve behind the glans
on top of the shaft.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

A host of guys all saying, “be careful and don’t break it!”, so I won’t reiterate that you should wait a bit.

If you insist on going against our primary advise please do consider the following secondary advise:

  • Read up like crazy on the advanced exorcises you will be attempting.
  • Stop if you hurt yourself. That sounds obvious, but some of the guys don’t.
  • Keep records and keep us posted so we may benefit from you doing risky things with your penis. :)

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 03-26-2006 at . Reason: aktullay speeld that one OK, kant type,

Thanks ahund.

Iamaru, no no I will definately stop clamping. As I said I know pe is not a race and when I tried clamping for the first time, the pressure was very light, but just enough to trap some blood in the penis. But I will leave it aside for another month or two.

Today I just did a hot wrap, stretches and then 600 jelqs and then kegels.

So the question now is weather to stop hanging or not. I have been hanging for around 2 weeks now, albeit with light weights. I can either continue to hang just a couple days a week and slowly build up the frequency over the coming months until I do it 6-7 days a week. Or I can just leave it aside altogether for now.

I would think there is no harm is doing light hanging just a couple days a week and gradually work up.

Why would you want to risk rushing into things with starting stats like that?

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

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