Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi, some of you might remember me.

Hi, some of you might remember me.

Hey all,

I finally mustered up the time and balls to come back to what I know will eventually work. I’ve been doing this about 7 months now. Though I’ve taken about 1 month and a weke off total. So maybe about 6 months. I’ve seen maybe a gain of .1 in length, and maybe losing some in girth, I’m not sure because i dont have a way to measure.

Anyways, I’m not giving up, no way. and This is why.

After months I’m starting to figure my penis out. I’ve overtrained, I’ve undertrained, Jelqed to hard, not hard enough. Over stretched. had too long of sessions.
Whatever Ive done it all.

About a month 1\2 into a particular workout, I’ll look huge. Bigger than I’ve ever been. Next day have a nice thick flaccid. Then one day, all of a sudden. Its like that flaccid pops. Not literally, but figuratively. Its like a balloon being popped. I lose my EQ, I lose my flaccid length. It happened the same way so many times, that I started to believe someone was actually doing it to me. Its just strange I mean I’ll be approaching 7.5 NBEL, then BAM. Down to 6.8 like magic. Happens a few times a years. Then I stop PE. Because I get discouraged.

So heres what I’ve done, I’ve adopted a new PE way not requiring jelqing or stretching. Just to get my EQ back, because it was so seriously hurt.

Now my erections are literally 30% harder, I last longer, and I look a tiny bit longer erect.

I might start up soon. What does anyone here think.
sorry no question mark key.


good to hear you’re getting back into it. Just out of curiousity, what is your new method not requiring jelqing/stretching? I wish you the best of luck getting back into it and I really think you’ll see some gains now that you know yourself better and know what you need to do.

Also, if you want to measure girth easily, get a piece of string, take your measurements around and go to - Online ruler . This site creates a virtual ruler on your screen (make sure you resize based on your exact screen size and resolution) which you can hold the piece of string up to and take accurate measurements. Hope that helps,


Chat speak will get your whole body in hot water, not just your penis. Avoid it .

Thanks joe.

Last edited by sunshinekid : 01-23-2009 at .

So if you are not jelqing and not stretching what are you doing?


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