Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi Thunders, back on track!

Hi Thunders, back on track!

Long have i been away from PE, had no privacy, but seems like that has been changed!
Little about me - I started on May and did PE for 3 months. Max i reached was 4x30 sec stretches in all directions and around 200 jelqs.

I must say that i did notice change, but i believe it was just because of improved EQ, which was amazing! Now it has dropped a little bit. :(

Basically, i want to get back in the game, already have done two on days with 50 jelqs per on day and 2 sets of 30 sec stretches in all directions. This felt awesome, especially jelqs, good PI’s as well.

Seems a lot like newby routine only dropped jelqs by quite a bit.

So, my planned schedule: Mix between 2 on 1 off and 1 on 1 off.
Monday - Off
Tuesday - On
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - On
Friday - Off
Saturday - On
Sunday - On

I plan to increase 1 set of stretches in all directions every 2 weeks for total of 8 sets by i reach my 3 months mark. And add 20 jelqs per 2 weeks also, this will lead to maximum of ~170 jelqs, might round it up to 200.

Please, leave your feedback on this! :) Also, somebody could explain about iterations/cycles of PE routines, obviously, this routine will not end up with 1000 jelqs and so on, so after this i should take 2 weeks off and start all over again?

Eazy E :P

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

Welcome back!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Welcome back, have to say that the combination of your user name and your avatar made me chuckle.

Your routine and escalation looks good. I’d say continue adding sets until you get to the point where you monitor time over reps. Or until your unit tells you to stop, which ever comes first/you prefer.

Best of luck!

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.


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