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Horse 440s

Horse 440s

Can you guys that used this technique comment whether it was helpful or not. For the experienced vets can you explain why it is or isnt a good exercise. If you not gonna be helpful and be sarcastic don’t say a mofo word.


You have a weird way of asking for help “whats up with that”

I love the horse440 they are one of my favorite squeezes. It’s a good exercise because it works for me and that’s how I judge exercises I try them and see if they work and those do I get some serious expansion. I hope that helps you but what works for me may not give you good results their are no magic programs or exercises it’s all hit and miss.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks man. What about the sadslink slinkies and how do I download the video

I just click on it and save it to disk but I’m running a superior browser called firefox if your using IE you need to right click on the download button and than hit save target as. Ain’t they some kick ass videos and you don’t have join a program to see them.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

440’s are great for girth, I don’t deny that.

But this is the only PE exercise I ever used that caused discoloration on my shaft. It took nearly two years for that to fade.



Well then I will STFU!

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