Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How did you find Thunder's Place ??

I typed a mixture of words into Google and my dream came true.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

I used GPS. It’s a lovely manor.

I searched for a jelqing video on google.

And this amazing forum was the first link I got.

Hi Thunder,

I came here just by accident, looking for something better than the Andro stretcher, which is not comforteable to me. Happy I found this site.

Excuse my writing because English is not my native language.

Also sometimes it is hard to understand some American words, English is more readable.

Best regards Coos

I was googling words like keywords “jelq” etc and found some threads that caught my interest and I just kept coming back.

I am pretty sure Bib is the reason I started viewing this forum and finally joined a year ago.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I was looking some pills about enlargement. I bought 3 bottles than I found on Internet that some of reader said pills are nothing if you like to have PE you have to visit thunders place you can find there whatever you want to know about PE. I wrote to Google and immediately joined in. Thanks thunders

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

For me it was when I was randomly searching penis enlargement exercises many years ago and after visiting a few different sites I was eventually redirected to this site. Very glad that I was.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |

6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP


I prefer Thunder’s.

Start: 6.6 BPEL X 5.3 EG (5.7 BG) (aug/oct 2009) -- Current: 7.1 BPEL X 5.6 EG (5.9 BG) (1th November 2010)

Short term goal: NBP 7 X 5.5 -- Long term goal: NBP 8 X 6

My pictures and progress: Thor's Journey

Someone mentioned PE on another forum and that it made his dick better. Not knowing what PE was, I googled it and this place was the first place that came up.

From google if my memory serves me. But I totally forgot what I was doing exactly at that time.

from saint google!!

01/02/2010 17,5cm BP x 13,25cm 18/03/2010 18,3cm BP x 13,5cm Rest. = 3,5cm x 3,5cm ---meta---> 21cm BP x 16,5cm=>

02/01/2010 6.89'' BP x 5.1" 03/18/2010 7.2" x 5.3"------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5 Left = 1.4" x 1.4" ------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5

03/20/2019 19 x 14 cm

Originally Posted by new68coost
Hi Thunder,
I came here just by accident, looking for something better than the Andro stretcher, which is not comforteable to me. Happy I found this site.
Excuse my writing because English is not my native language.
Also sometimes it is hard to understand some American words, English is more readable.
Best regards Coos

Hey, welcome to the forum. Your English is excellent, by the way. But you are right. American is a tough language to pick up. Best way to learn how to mangle the English language is by watching American TV. :leftie:

I think I stumbled onto Thunders from the Tom Hubbard site. Or was it Betterman? Can’t remember but wherever it was I never went back.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Browsing the internet, someone told us on a forum

7.1 x 5.1 and growing! Final goal: seeking celebrity:) ) 8x6

I found the site by searching PE in Google. I am glad I joined. I really like this site alot.


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