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How do you know if you are working the tunica good?

How do you know if you are working the tunica good?

Can anyone try and describe what a worked/fatigued tunica feels like? For me it’s easy to tell when the ligs are sore/worked - that feeling I know very well and know that I’m doing good in that department. However, I have yet to feel any tunica soreness or whatever you want to call it, which leads me to believe that I’m doing something wrong. Can someone describe how it should feel or what to look for?

I am doing a routine where I use erect bends and my tunic gets a sore feeling similar to muscle soreness from lifting weights.

I use to do alot of hanging which made my ligs sore. The feeling is similar just in a different location.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

The tunica is when you really hit the higher ends of the LOT, IE, streching toward the chin, or hanging OTS.

God Bless the Marine Corps. Started 11/10/03 NBPEL-7.5" Mid shaft EG-5.6" Target size: NBPEL-9.5" Mid shaft EG-6.5"

I’m aware of that and I do that. I stretch at the high angles and toward my chin but I don’t feel any fatigue in any place other than the ligs (from downward stretches of course) which leads me to believe that I’m not working the tunica well or properly.

How much stretching are you doing?

For me…I don’t feel fatigue in the middle of or post workout. I basically stretch the shit out of whatever tissue I’m aiming for per that session. I keep going and going and going, until it’s so soft and pliable that I can’t get good grips on it anymore and it’s just like “ah, fuck it.” Usually about 20 minutes of actual stretch time (30ish minutes if you include 5 second breaks inbetween stretches and one minute breaks in between sets).

But when I wake up the next day, man oh man is my son sore. Not painful sore, just sore like something budged. You’ll come to love and chase this elusive feeling.


I’ve only stretched for about 20 minutes at a time, but that was with combined lig and tunica stretching. So maybe 10 minutes each. In that amount of time I was able to feel a lig stretch and a soreness later on but never anything tunica related. I tried about 20 minutes of pure tunica stretching (mostly SU a little SO) tonight, so I’ll see how that feels in the morning.

Remember, the tunica is brutally tough to soften up. It’s equally as strong as the septum in my case, so don’t be shy.

Then again, use common sense.


Can anyone answer: What exactly are you suppose to feel when you work your tunica? Where do you feel it at and how do you know you’re

Not working the ligs?

My penis doesn’t get sore the next day just sitting there. It only hurts if I try to stretch it again though, is there anything wrong with that? It doesn’t feel like the good muscle sore either. It hurts like hell!

When I hang and clamp, my penis is always sore the next day.

Can the tunica even feel sore?

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