Thunder's Place

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How long does it take for kegels to have an effect?

How long does it take for kegels to have an effect?

After starting a kegel routine, how long does it usually take before I should start noticing harder erections?

Anxiously awaiting the response from more seasoned member than I!

If you’re starting out for the first time ever, I’d say it takes around 6-8 weeks for the real effects to start kicking in.

If you’ve been doing kegels consistently in the past and then stopped, it takes much less. For example, if I forget to do them for 2 weeks, it usually takes 3-4 days for effects to return.

For me, the best indicator is shooting distance.

(I’ve been doing kegels consistently most of the time since April 2008).

Wow really, that’s a lot longer than I expected.

Everyone’s a bit different. I imagine age and general physical health might play parts in it, too. So you might see results sooner than six weeks.

Took me about 1 week to see and feel results.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Originally Posted by UpTo7
If you’re starting out for the first time ever, I’d say it takes around 6-8 weeks for the real effects to start kicking in.

If you’ve been doing kegels consistently in the past and then stopped, it takes much less. For example, if I forget to do them for 2 weeks, it usually takes 3-4 days for effects to return.

For me, the best indicator is shooting distance.

(I’ve been doing kegels consistently most of the time since April 2008).

kegels is not necessary to do cum shots, you just have to do the “reverse pump” at the right time
If I get the timing right I can do 4-5 shots
I have been practicing it lately

Originally Posted by fat_cock
kegels is not necessary to do cum shots, you just have to do the “reverse pump” at the right time
If I get the timing right I can do 4-5 shots
I have been practicing it lately

Before kegels I was shooting 4-5 shots as well, maybe 6 and not very far, probably less than 1 foot, I don’t remember clearly. Now my record is 13 shots, first being over 6 feet in distance. :) So yeah, kegels are necessary if you want to shoot like big boy. :D

(I was 18 when I started doing kegels.)

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Before kegels I was shooting 4-5 shots as well, maybe 6 and not very far, probably less than 1 foot, I don’t remember clearly. Now my record is 13 shots, first being over 6 feet in distance. :) So yeah, kegels are necessary if you want to shoot like big boy. :D

(I was 18 when I started doing kegels.)

Fine then I will do them.

As it will be worth it.

Last edited by fat_cock : 10-19-2010 at .

Are rest days recommended with kegels?

Just pay attention to your body. I feel like sometimes I overdo it and I will give it a rest for a day or two. Do a search on BTB (behind the balls) jelqing. I just started doing this in conjunction with about 200 to 300 kegels throughout the day, and I seem to have better EQ already. I’ll have night erections that are so hard they actually wake me up! ;)

My picture thread;

Geetarman's first pic

Erections could also be affected with excess of exercise, smoking, drugs, stress, depression or psychological issues.

So if you have any of the problems listed above, even if you kegel consistently, your erections could suffer a decrease in quality.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Originally Posted by bill6275
Are rest days recommended with kegels?

I never paid attention to that and did them daily (5-10 minutes, anywhere between 1 and 60 seconds per kegel), but I think it’s safe to say that doing them 5 days a week certainly won’t harm you.

Originally Posted by avantasia
Erections could also be affected with excess of exercise, smoking, drugs, stress, depression or psychological issues.

So if you have any of the problems listed above, even if you kegel consistently, your erections could suffer a decrease in quality.

This is great point. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, no smoking/drinking/coffee will always be good for penis as much as for the rest of the body.

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