Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How many have gotten gains simply from manual PE?


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Last edited by bogomips : 10-05-2004 at . Reason: mistake

I got my gains with manual exercises only.

Starting: 6/04/04 BPEL = 6 & 1/2 X EG = 4 & 1/2 9/20/04 BPEL = 7 (!!) X EG = 4 & 7/8 Either I'm gaining or my ruler is shrinking.

I have seen a devise that is like a pair of tongs w/ rollers for jelqing.. Does anybody have them or use them and how do they work if so… I really dont like standing there jerking on my dick… lol If those work I will get a pair.. I`m not against spending whatever money it takes to do the job, Within reason.. I will be getting a hanger thing as well, And any other devises you vets suggest…



Originally Posted by Otis
LFS; it is called a power jelq. here is the link:

Does anyone here use it, And what do you think about it???

Maybe you should start a new thread and title it “Power Jelq” to get your question answered. Also you can do a search here on it. I believe there was a thread in the past on this topic.

Personally I don’t use it. Not worth the money to me. I’d try making one first.

I have a Power-Jelq but never use it. Piss poor design. Just for kicks I tried a couple of thick pieces of dowel one time (like the Jelq sticks). Got loads more intensity with lots less pressure required, and it was free. There’s a few threads around here on how to build Jelq sticks with plasic pipe rollers and stuff.

I gained 1.5 cm in about three weeks (starting with 16.5 bone pressed) but some comes from harder errection I guess (at least half of it). All manual. Done a lot of jelqing for the first two weeks and now I am doing 10-20min stretching twice a day. Lets see how far I can get. Hopefully I am a high potential newbie gainer :-) .

All manual here, and have gained a little over two inches in three years or manual PE!

Most of my gains were in the first 2 months, and that was all jelqing & stretching.


Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)


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