These things are so difficult to get on. Make sure to cut the length appropriate to your size before anything else. Use something very sharp that can cut through this in one try. If you use something dull or it takes multiple cuts, you could end up with jagged edges that could lead to tearing.
*roll it up
*stand up
* put 3 or 4 fingers in it and stretch it as far as you can to fit over your penis. Make sure you have the unroll direction correct!
*stretch it and place the end just behind the glans. Gravity is your friend at this point.
*unroll it
Taking it off is much more difficult. As you roll it back up and off your penis, it will force more blood into your glans. Squeeze your glans gently to force the fluids out. I do this a few times, not just at the end. Once this thing gets close to the end you can do a couple things:
*continue the squeeze and roll
*stretch it again to get it off
*put some silicone-safe lube on it and slide it off
Due to my length, I wear this behind my glans. I guess this could be worn over the glans as well and might make getting it off a little easier.
Also, I thought monkey bar’s tube might make this easier to get on. You might want to check on that as well.
Good luck and good gains!
PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!
One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.