Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to measure?


Originally Posted by Dzoney

What happens if I have a huge curve, and I basically lose an inch or more while measuring it at 90 degrees with a plastic ruler. I think that what vagina takes would count my curve length in? Am I right?

The deepest point you reach would be the one measured in a straight line. The curve will give a feeling of bigger girth though.

Thanks for all responses, one different kind of question for those who have a curved unit, Did you get the curve from doing PE or did you already have this curve. If you already had a curve did the curve become bigger by doing PE?

I think this curve is great for the girl because you can touch her G / A spot more easy.

Sorry for this bad english

I have straightened the curve a bit with stretching.

BPEL 6.7'', EG 5.8''


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