Because of my naturally curious personality, I bought a few peppers today. About 8 Serrano peppers and 2 Anaheim’s. I normally put jalapenos on my sandwiches, so I supplemented them with a couple of my new buddies. After the feeling of what what felt like a freight train exploded and slowly burned to ashes on my tongue subsided, I noticed a really good feeling all over my body. Later, when I arrived home, I ate a pepper about ten minutes before starting my PE regimen. I will tell you, it felt great, better than I thought it would. After my regimen, I decided to pump lightly after snacking on another one of my new little buddies. The vascularity of my penis surprised me to no extent. Normally my veins are somewhat prominent in my pump, but this time, they were truly on the surface. I could see each vein, its connections, and the blood pumping through them.
It was truly an amazing experience; however, it’d be bad science to attribute that to merely the peppers. I had also drank alot of water today because of the exquisite pain in my mouth, so it could be a bit of confirmation bias. Regardless, it seems that peppers do add something to my PE regime. If nothing else a pleasant, almost high feeling. But that could be explained by the A-B Process Theory of psychology, where the pain in my mouth was pulled down to a below baseline rate to make me feel good afterwards. If that’s the case, then continued use of the capsaicin will result in less pain each time but a gradual increase in the pleasure and vascularity response.
But that’s just my own untested hypothesis.
"Look at the beautiful bonsai tree. Its growth and shaping did not happen overnight. It has taken many months for this strongly rooted trunk to grow to maturity; it's growth has been aided each day. It has been tied back at times. It has been trimmed, watered, fed, and loved. Now it is strong and robust, ready to impress all that look upon it and splendor in its majesty."
After reading that quote, don't you think you should treat your trunk like that?