Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Flaccid to erect ratio

No I didnt mixed up width and girth I know exactly what is width and what is girth (circumference) and believe me its not a trull

Originally Posted by Texastravis
Lol well funny enough my stats is this exactly:

3.5” flaccid girth (actually is sometimes less)
4.8” erect girth

4” Bone press flaccid length (on a good day)
6.7” Bone pressed Erect Length

I can snap some pics for ya if you don’t believe me lol.

Dude can you provide pics that shows those measurments?

Originally Posted by clgp7
nshl, why would you come to the forum, ask a question , get the answer to the question, ( more than one) then proceed to tell the guys answering the question that they’re wrong based on your own research? If you’ve done the research and can prove this point one way or another, please share.

I’ll ask again-Please share your research and help us understand the reason for your disbelief.

:_pump: :donatecar

I did not really research it it’s just an expression what I meant is that the usual growing is between 0.5 to 1.1 inch and also I read once I dosent remember where but I read that the normal penis girth is 2 cm below the penis length like if someone have a 15 cm length probably his girth will be 13 cm and if somebody have a 14 cm length than his girth will be 12 .

Attached is an image showing a the relative difference between a circle with a circumference of 3.5” and one of 5”.

Looking just at numbers it seems like more of a change than it is compared to when you look at the actual change in shape.

(6.6 KB, 19 views)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

You must have heard the expression are you a shower or a grower? Well, if you are a grower, going from 3.5 girth to 5 or larger is not unusual at all.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by nshl

I did not really research it it’s just an expression what I meant is that the usual growing is between 0.5 to 1.1 inch and also I read once I dosent remember where but I read that the normal penis girth is 2 cm below the penis length like if someone have a 15 cm length probably his girth will be 13 cm and if somebody have a 14 cm length than his girth will be 12 .

I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in “statistics” like that. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from years (decades) of penis pulling, observation, and conversation, there really aren’t a lot of “standards” in the penis enlargement game.

:_pump: :donatecar

Ok I have another question 3.5 flaccid girth is a common flaccid girth? Because I seen alot of penises (no I’m not gay) because I shower alot in communal showers and I never seen penis with this kind of girth.

Last edited by nshl : 09-26-2015 at .

Have you ever seen a pornographic movie?

I mean, not all of them are as big as they say they are but 3.5” FG or 5” EG is not uncommon at all in the porn world.

Take a look at Shane Diesel, I don’t care how big he actually is but I would bet my left nut, hell I’d bet both my nuts, that he’s larger than 3.5” FG and 5” EG.

Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG

Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG

Shane Diesel has an erect girth of about 8 inches, but that’s not really what he is talking about.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent

Shane Diesel has an erect girth of about 8 inches, but that’s not really what he is talking about.

Dude all I ask is if 3.5 FG is common FG in the real world not in the porn industry how the hell is your answer related to my question?

Originally Posted by nshl
Dude all I ask is if 3.5 FG is common FG in the real world not in the porn industry how the hell is your answer related to my question?

Easy there… He even stated it wasn’t related to your question. Relax.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Flaccid to erect girth ratio.

Apologies if I’m posting this in the wrong place.

Anyway I’m curious to know how much the average penis expands girthwise from flaccid to erect, particularly as mine seems exceptionally thin when flaccid.

So I’d be grateful for anyone willing to give their flaccid and erect girth. An average flaccid, not one with a chub on.

My girth stats are: Flaccid 3.5 to 3.9 (mid girth) erect 4.7 (mid girth)

The original thread was post on the old version of phalloboards forum I just changed the wording little bit .. Rights belong to mikehok

Originally Posted by nshl
Apologies if I’m posting this in the wrong place.

Anyway I’m curious to know how much the average penis expands girthwise from flaccid to erect, particularly as mine seems exceptionally thin when flaccid.

So I’d be grateful for anyone willing to give their flaccid and erect girth. An average flaccid, not one with a chub on.

My girth stats are: Flaccid 3.5 to 3.9 (mid girth) erect 4.7 (mid girth)

The original thread was post on the old version of phalloboards forum I just changed the wording little bit .. Rights belong to mikehok

I’m about 3.7 then go to 5” girth erect

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(


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