Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I need help

I need help

I am PEing for about 3 weeks.
1)Yesterday I noticed that my penis is slightly rotated on the left.I don’t know the reason but I suppose that’s from jelqing with just right hand.Can you help me how to fix this?I must do all the exercise with one hand,because my other hand is ill.
2)I also noticed that my right side next to pubic bone is loose,and left side is tight!Can I fix that with stretches?

Please help me,I am desperate.How can I jelq or stretch propriety with just one hand?
I hope you’ll help me because only PE can help me to gain more inches and self confidence with girls :(
Thank you

PS-I’m sorry for my bad English

I am far from being an expert in the PE department, so please only take my advice as a SUGGESTION. I would imagine that if you do a normal jelq on the right side, then do an overhead jelq at the point when most people switch hands, you would be pointing your penis in a different direction (specifically to the right).

I found many helpful videos at..

Wet Jelq Video

.I hope this helps. Happy PEing!

Thank you spectre!


I seem to be having the same problem.

Which way did it rotate before PE?

The penis will always fall in a particular direction, flaccid and just off erect. Maybe you are just now noticing this? Certainly you are likely to be paying way more attention to your dick than before PE.

Originally Posted by memento
Which way did it rotate before PE?

The penis will always fall in a particular direction, flaccid and just off erect. Maybe you are just now noticing this? Certainly you are likely to be paying way more attention to your dick than before PE.

I think You’re wright!
I realized that my left rotated penis is not result of jelqing.I think it’s from “wrong” jerking off.
I jelq with right hand using overhand OK grip.I saw that when I jelq my head rotates to right (and my dick I hope so)!
Can I fix rotation with jelqs,or?



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