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I need some input with regards to the copper/zinc or aluminum penis ring??


I need some input with regards to the copper/zinc or aluminum penis ring??

Hi guys,

I’m not sure if any of you’s have heard about the ring of power or also known as the Blakoe Ring, it uses galvanic metal (zinc or aluminum with copper), it’s suppose to release a small amount of voltage, some will add a solution inside the metals to help increase the voltage but that isn’t needed. Anyways, I’m tryng to make my own but I’m not sure if the one I’ll make even work, how would I go about testing or knowing if the one I make is working properly?? One guy said he tested the metals with a multimeter, I tried that but no reading came up…and I used a copper water pipe and an pure aluminum rod taken from a machine shop, so I’d like to know of anyone who has built there own and how you’d know if it’s working correctly?

Hey Allen -

I made my ring out of copper tubing and braided zinc wire. A multimeter will tell you if your ring is working but remember to complete the circuit your skin needs to be moist. The easiest way is to put on the ring after showering without drying off, then place the contacts of your meter to the ring. The voltage is very small, typically less than one volt so unless you have a very precise mulitmeter you have to really watch the needle. Hope that helps.


The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.

I have been wearing a ballzinger/ring of power/blakoe ring, etc, for several weeks and I will never, ever recommend wearing a pure aluminum rod next to you balls. This metal is toxic and it imay contribute to Alzheimer’s. I could not think of a set of balls that could continuously forget what it is supposed to do….Regarding the copper pipe, you have to make sure of the purity. Some hard copper pipes may contain quite nasty trace elements. You will want a purity range greater that 99.9%. It is your own health, why take a chance?

To measure the voltage properly, you will net a digital voltmeter, since the range is very small between 0.3V to 0.8V. You will also need to be wearing the ring for some time to give it time to make good galvanic contact with your humid skin. You may also need to clean the metal surfaces of any residual grease, or protective coating it may have. A light sanding of the surface may do it.

Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.

I think metal cock rings are a form of torture.

Well every fool has a right to opinion so this is my opinion.

Looking to be a kiwi.

Yeah Kauna, but have you tried to wear a Zinger lately?. This is not really cock ring, it is a total solution for:

1- Harder wood in the morning
2- Stronger, thicker and whiter cum
3- Longer flaccid stage dick
4- Full balls, more sperms
5- More intense sexual desire

You will experience this within days. Read all the postings about the Ball Zinger and you will convince yourself. I was also skeptical at the beginning, but after reading all the postings from Tom Hubbard, and making one myself, I am a total believer. Now I am trying to make it better.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Originally Posted by lonelybb
I have been wearing a ballzinger/ring of power/blakoe ring, etc, for several weeks and I will never, ever recommend wearing a pure aluminum rod next to you balls. This metal is toxic and it imay contribute to Alzheimer’s.

So using your scrotum to form a battery with zinc and copper bits of whatever advertised purity is fine, yet holding a Coke can against your nuts for a long time would be hazardous.

That is an interesting mindset.

Are you selling some kind of ball zinger, or do you intend to?

aluminum vs zinc

Coke can…eh?
Well, an aluminum can by itself will not produce any voltage if pressed to your balls, but if you also press a copper kettle long enough on the opposite side of your scrotum, you may get a good zap…
Hobby, you have been on this forum a lot longer than me. I trust that you must be familiar with all the threads that took place about this subject back a couple of years ago. Tom Hubbard still has a site on this forum. I built one zinger based on his article and I am totally sold by it. Judging by the response of many other members of this forum and elsewhere, I am not the only one praising this device.

I decided to research more about the principle behind the ballzinger/blakoe ring and try to improve upon Tom’s design. I am sharing the information openly with everyone like he did, and eventually I will make a better one. Is that OK?

It would be hard to sell a ballzinger when all the information is posted in detail everywhere, including the source where to buy the pure zinc and copper. Anyone can make their own. I did.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

I decided to research more about the principle behind the ballzinger/blakoe ring and try to improve upon Tom’s design. I am sharing the information openly with everyone like he did, and eventually I will make a better one. Is that OK?

That’s great, but you didn’t answer my question: Are you selling some kind of ball zinger, or do you intend to?

No, but you can easily make your own or buy it somewhere else. All the information is posted in this forum and elsewhere. However, it did occur to me to invent a “clitzigger”, maybe if I could sell the idea….

What was your long term results wearing a Zinger? Had any bad experiences? Please share with us.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Anyone ever notice the similarity in sensation with accupuncture? There seems to be residual “jolts” I get that is way similar to when I’ve had accupuncture. There’s also what’s called E-Stim therapy. They hook you up with electrodes and shock your muscles into healing previous nerve damage.

I believe the body converts what we ingest into small packets of energy fields and distributes it based on the body’s demands. I’m also starting to believe that the ball zinger short circuits the cycle and just hands the body what it needs. The remainder ends up for reproductive purposes.

Uhmmm…good theory.
I believe that “E-stim” therapy you refer to, works great in relaxation and stimulation of your muscles, but the jolts of current take place on a rhythmical way, on/off/on/off, causing the muscle to contract and relax. Much like doing exercises.

The ballzinger provides a continuous low voltage low current and causes the transfer of zinc electrons to travel through the body to the copper cathode, this minor voltage may stimulate the testicles or the prostate. I truly believe that this have therapeutic benefits. There is no much scientific research done about this effect that I am aware at this moment. Have you found something else you will like to share with us in this forum?

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Originally Posted by lonelybb
Have you found something else you will like to share with us in this forum?

Yeah, my balls ache. Not a bad soreness, just a strange dull ache. Could be the tube, not sure.


How long have you been wearing the Zinger?. Yes, you will sense a funny feeling the first couple of days, but you will also notice the most visible changes as well. It should go away in a few more days. I had the same feeling at the beginning.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

It’s been a week and a half. I think the ache was the tubing. I wear it to work now and yesterday, when I sat, it rode down, but not low enough to be uncomfortable. I adjusted it, and the soreness is mostly gone now.

It still catches me off guard when I feel the buzzing.

The most comfortable tubing I use is the surgical rubber latex tubing. Using clear vinyl tubing got me a rash, quite itchy.

If the metal in the zinger makes good contact with the skin you will not feel any zinging…not to worry about.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

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