Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I want to believe

I want to believe


I have been at it doing manual exercises for 11 weeks now. I began with penis-health and did a 3 on 1 off beginner routine for 2 weeks. My program consisted of mostly girth work like wet jelqs (150 reps 1st week and 200 reps 2nd week) and 2 reps of the ferarri mega pump. I did my warm upp and stretching first. Long sclong and helis. As time went by I found a link to ulis and discovered thunders place.
In week 5 I added 6 ulis to my routine. It now consisted of; Wake upp cloth for 3min along with 100 kegels, 200 wet jelqs, 2 reps of the ferarri mega pump, 6 reps of uli and 5min in the shower.
I focused on girth with this routine and I noticed very hard erections.

From week 5 to week 9 I used the aboved mentioned program only with 300 wet jelqs and 10 ulis. I went upp 0,5cm in girth from this and decided to stop girth work and go for length since I am “only” 16cm NBPEL and consider my girth of 13,5cm ok for the moment.

Week 10 and 11 I have been following this program; warm upp cloth for 3min and 100 kegels, longsclong heli - 5reps in each direction, JAI - strethes - 40 reps, A - stretches - 20reps followed by 4hours of wearing the Jes extender. (By the way, have been wearing the Jes for 2-4 hours since I started).
I am on my second week on this program now and have faith in it. (Have also switched to 5 on 2 off).

My problem is that I have not gained anything in EL and really need some gains to prove to my self that it really works. I know, my program has not been length-oriented but still. As I stopped the girth work my 0.5 cm gain is there no more. I am not worried with this. I will get it back and then some when I start focusing on girth again.

So, what am I rambling on about? Well, I have dedicated several hours to my penis for about 4 days every week and it is no longer than when I started. Because of this I am in doubt. It is the classical; “Does this PE stuff REALLY work or is it just a scam”, - thinking. I am only a newbie still and probably WILL get length gains in a month or two by following my new length-program.

What do you guys think of my thoughts and my program? Oh, and I forgot, I do girth-work twice a week in the evening. (I do my length-work in the morning).

Also I want to ask if my routine for length would be compromised if I did girth-work in every evening of my 5days of PE?

Great site with lots of great and motivating people by the way!

(I am from Norway so my spelling is probably off here and there.:-)

Hello babbis,

It doesn’t sound like you’re a newbie to me. I believe Noone can tell that your routine is 100% right or wrong (other words “effective” for gains or not), but I’d recommend you to do more manual stretching or hanging if you know exactly how to do it.

Normally, PEers would go for length first, since it’s harder to gain than girth. Your routine has been basically focusing on girth, jelqing + pumping = extrem girth gains :D

You have tried JAI stretching method… Hmmm.. then why not DLS Blasters?

Good luck,

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)


Hey babbis,

Welcome to Thunder’s. Well this is a tough one. It could very well be that you are just doing too much right out of the gate. I know I have read a lot of other sites and it seems that all of them focus on a “Get all your gains in two weeks!” type mentality. One of the unique thing about Thunder’s is that we tell you just the opposite. If you start out too fast you will hurt your gain potential. Will you gain,, probably. Will you gain as much as you can, probably not.

As far as losing the girth gains. 9 weeks isn’t long enough to cement any type of gain if you stop the exercises completely. You should still jelq even if you are concentrating on length alone. Stretching and jelqing are the foundations to a good routine.


Babbis, you may just be a hard gainer, maybe you’re just stuck trying to get out of the gate! Thunder’s is the right place to be. Read around, not only will you get some useful information to break out and see some growth, you will also see quickly that there is no scam going on. I’ve gotten the same help, advice, and encouragement before donating as I have after donating.

Conditioning your penis is a topic that you’ll run into again and again. Wether or not you’ve made gains, you HAVE been conditioning your penis, so don’t think of it as a waste of time: you are setting the stage for growth. Good Luck!

Thanks guys!

Well, I think I will wait a while before giving hanging a go. That 0,5cm girth gain was probably just a pump.

You are probably right RTG, my program grew in time and exercises but that was all me.:-) Penis Health does not advocate to go fast, they have a good forum too by the way. Anyway, hard not to try things like Ulis after reading his program and his gains. In fact, there is so much information and theories and routines here at thundersplace that a newbie like myself can get quite confused.:-)

I study sports and know basic anatomy and physiology so I see many known theories beeing tried out here. A lot of the stretching exercises come from sports with 30sec holds, multiple reps, tightening and relaxing, warm and cold wraps and so on. Funny what we are willing to try to get our members bigger huh? :-)

I thank you all again for replying, guess I just needed some motivation. I will keep at my current program for 8 more weeks and I will add some jelqs in the evening (and probably some Ulis, I love those!:-) to compliment my length work.

Keep upp the good work guys!

Well, I might have to believe.. I took before pictures when I started back in April and have taken some follow ups along the way.

I should have used a ruler and measured BPEL to avoid inconsistent measuring but I try to measure the same way every time.

I am no good with my computer so I basically need some help.
I would like to post my pictures re-sized and side by side to see if my gains are due to measurement flaws or if they indeed are real.

I have printed out my pictures and cut them to compare them but still not sure. ( Strange, it is like I am in denial and will not accept that this PE really works.)

So, I post my request for help here to get instructions so I can post my pictures in the picture forum.



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