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Ice Down Penis

Ice Down Penis

Has anyone tried cooling down the penis by using ice or something rather than using heat?

Yep. XLMagnum (or was it MagnumXL?) wrote about that in Shiver’s “Heat benefits in PE”. He never explained the biology behind the concept, or at least never gave a convincing answer about it. Another member tried that in “Cooling down - the missing link” (or something like that”.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Crap. I thought that this was going to be a thread about fraternity pranks… :cuss:

Yes, there has been talk of using ice to help “cement” gains. Try doing an advanced search on “ice”, or “cooling”.

Don’t freeze your cock off.


Mbuc tried cooling down under tension in “Penile stress relationship”. Didn’t do a long term experiment though.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I’ve used Ice while masturbation. Orgasms feel much better when your dick is chilled.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

I’m not convinced of cold for cementing gains. At the end of a workout I’ll alternate heat and cold (in the shower) to get blood flowing and clean out any ‘debris’ (in particular, clotting). This is the technique we used to use on injured muscles, long ago (but with ice). Essentially, the cold minimizes the damage and the heat encourages blood flow. By alternating the two, you induce a ‘pumping’ action to the affected area and accelerate healing.

Well a disagree. As a keen footballer I have had some bad injury’s, damaged ligaments and as part of my come back from injury I was advised as in many occasions to go from hot to cold two minutes of each on the effected area and repeat this for some fifteen minutes to half an hour.

So I would say I would only use heat as on the warm up but may be do hat and cold for after my routine it really depends on your self

Alternating heat and cold in rapid sucession? Every two minutes?

Never heard of that. I’ve heard switch every 20 minutes. Seems like every two minutes wouldn’t be enough for either the heat or cold to affect the tissue on a deep level.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by plustwo
I’m not convinced of cold for cementing gains. At the end of a workout I’ll alternate heat and cold (in the shower) to get blood flowing and clean out any ‘debris’ (in particular, clotting). This is the technique we used to use on injured muscles, long ago (but with ice). Essentially, the cold minimizes the damage and the heat encourages blood flow. By alternating the two, you induce a ‘pumping’ action to the affected area and accelerate healing.

Of you have developed blood clots, you’ve gone waaay too far with your PE session.

Cold doesn’t make sense to me. We all know that cocks are highly sensitive to temperature changes. Don’t know about you guys, but mine gets smaller when exposed to low temps. I like larger.



When I done hot and cold for my ligament in my ankles I had a basin of hot water ( with a kettle to top the heat up) and a basin of ice water. It was really just a short period of time in both repeated for about fifteen min to half an hour.

As of how long it should be done with the penis I honestly couldn’t tell you, I only know it can help with recovery

Originally Posted by avocet8
Of you have developed blood clots, you’ve gone waaay too far with your PE session.

Haven’t had them. Just trying to avoid them :-)

PE by its nature causes damage. Some of this damage is necessary to promote growth. But it also has byproducts in the form of ‘debris’ which needs to be cleaned out. If not cleaned out, it creates a blockages which can lead to thrombosis (which I have had, but not in the penis, due to an atheletic injury). You are inducing an inflammation which causes a defensive response from the body. The body wants to clot blood and immobilise the affected area until it recovers. We want to manage the process to best effect, balancing repeated injury with recovery. (Working out at the gym or competing in a physical event are analagous.)

Just my opinion, of course :-)

The only thing I have read about cold that interested me was that some one was using it at the very end of there workout.

He would have his cock fully pumped inside the pump, and then wrap a soft icepack around the pump. He was doing this to get a bigger flaccid for a day or two. He talked about Hardening the tissue at it’s maximum expansion.

To me this sounds like a good idea. I have not tried it yet Because I don’t pump yet, But I think it is definitely worth a try.

“Hardening the tissue at max expansion” - sounds like what MagnumXL wrote about. Only I could never get a clear explanation behind what was actually going on, so I tend to disbelieve this idea.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

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