Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm back.

I'm back.

Hey guys,

I haven’t posted around here in awhile, and unfortunately haven’t kept up with PE for the same amount of time. That’s to bad to, I might have been able to get into the lofty 8 inch club. Anyways, I have been PEing for about a week and already felt what I have been missing. For the past couple months I noticed that I wasn’t awaking to my glorious morning wood. It troubled me and also made me sad. Yet, this morning, there he was saluting and back into action. Now, just wanted to say hello to everyone, and tell people who can relate to my excitement.

Also, this is gonna sound like a shameless plug but I love ITunes. I can time my stretches and jelqs perfectly, by the second. The Office has just gotten better. : )

Welcome back. This time, stick to a routine. :)




Good to have you back, and remember: PE is a project measured in years. As you have found out, the end results are worth the effort! :thumbs:


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