Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm confused, what's really better


Originally Posted by Jesse
I’d take 5 from jelqing and add it to stretching if I were you, Making it 10 minutes stretching, 25 Jelqing

So hows this sound?

-Morning: Warm up in the shower with 30 kegels, then wet jelq in the shower for 10 mins, followed by a regular shower and 30 kegels as a warm down.
-Afternoon: 5 min warm wrap with 30 kegels followed by 10 mins of basic stretching (the basic 30 seconds to the right, left, up, down, straight) followed by 10 mins of wet jelqs followed by another 5 min warm wrap with 30 kegels.
-Evening: 3 min warm wrap with 30 kegels followed by 5 mins of wet jelqing followed by another 3 min warm wrap with 30 kegels.

Stretching - 10 mins
Jelqing - 25 mins
Kegels - 180

Starting Stats: NBPEL - 6" NBPEG - 5" Current Stats: BPEL - 7" NBPEG - 5.5" Short Term Goal Stats: BPEL - 7.25" NBPEG - 5.5" Long Term Goal Stats: BPEL - 8.5" NBPEG - 6"

Thats similar to what I’m doing and I’ve made some great gains, I’m not saying it will work for everyone but if your not making any gains, it’s not going to hurt to try it out. Again, good luck


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