Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Increase Head I do it

Increase Head I do it

I’m a beginner but I found an exercise that really has shown improvement in my gland size. I’m sure its already been done but here’s how I do the exercise…

Get about a 70-80% erection, squeeze pc muscle as hard as you can and as soon as you see your head swell up take the standard ok jelq hand position and squeeze about 1/2” below the end of your head. When I say squeeze I mean really squeeze hard (of course don’t hurt yourself). As soon as you trap the blood release your pc muscle. You’ll see the glands swell up, and for me it gets almost rock hard. Hold the squeeze for about 15 seconds then slowly move the hand the rest of the 1/2” up towards the bottom of your head while still squeezing (like a mini jelq for the head). Repeat this about 10 times. You’ll actually notice your head will look bigger each time you do the exercise.

After a week of doing this exercise (I incorporate it into my standard jelq routine 2 on 1 off 3 on 1 off) my head is showing some great results.

Good Luck and let me know how it works for you all.

A lot of us guys do the same or similar exercises but be careful! Some, have gotten nasty blisters. It’s a great exercise but please don’t over do it. Your penis needs to get used to the work out.

Lastly, welcome to Thunder’s!

"Don't be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Go to school and study computers instead." Jackie Chan

You know you’ve squeezed too hard when a drop of blood appears out of the tip. That has happened to more than a few of us.


Thanks HJ for telling me that! That’s actually happened to me a couple times and I’ve been meaning to post about it cause I got pretty worried. I’m sure everything’s back to normal, I just gotta be careful.

Originally Posted by startingover1
That’s actually happened to me a couple times and I’ve been meaning to post about it cause I got pretty worried.

I would quit every exercise as soon as blood comes to play!
Calm down, calm down! A bigger penis is great, but it’s worth nothing, when it’s not a healthy penis!

01.01.04: 6.75" BP x 5.50" . . . . . Next Goal: 7.50" BP x 5.50" . . . . Pics

01.03.04: 7.15" BP x 5.50" . . . . . Ultimate : 8.00" NBP x 6.00" . . . . Progress Report

Originally Posted by Hughjorgan9
You know you’ve squeezed too hard when a drop of blood appears out of the tip. That has happened to more than a few of us.


I’ve experienced that while doing Ulis. I stop the session immediately when I notice that, but continue the next session later as normally. I don’t know what to think, because it doesn’t hurt at all.

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