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Increased Erection Quality

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How many erections do you usually get over a night of sex?








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Increased Erection Quality

I’m fairly new to PEing and had a quick question about erection quality. I was recently embarrassed to find out that people often have sex multiple times in one night’s session. (Embarrassing because I was not aware of this and never even tried). I was just curious to see if PE will assist in getting multiple erections in a given night, and also curious about other peoples’ experience with multiple erections in a given night.

So, I guess my questions are: Do you generally get multiple erections in one sex ‘sessions’?
And : has PE aided your ability to do so?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

I can get and keep an erection whenever I want, pretty much.

HOWEVER, after a good orgasm, I tend to have no sexual desire at all for several hours, at the least. (My “ideal” sexual schedule would be 5 times a week, probably, to maximize pleasure and not be exhausted every day — orgasm has a real full-body effect on me.) So I do not typically have “multiple sessions” in the course of an evening (though occasionally we’ll go twice within a few hours).

PE will probably increase your ability to get and keep erections, but if your current problem is a lack of sexual fervor after orgasm, PE is unlikely to change that; men simply differ in how quickly their bodies “build back up” again after sexal release.

If you’re someone who simply doesn’t want to be banging again an hour after the first round, why don’t you concentrate on building endurance so that the first round will be fully satisfying for the woman as well? When I go at it with a woman for an hour, she typically has neither a burning desire nor an able vagina to accomodate more cock three hours later.

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Also, pblanch, try here:

Why more than 24 hours to recover fully

As you can see, another good option might be to learn "multi-orgasmic" methods for men — enabling one to decouple orgasm and ejaculation.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.


Ditto what PG said PB.

When I was younger I was ready 1/2 hour later. That’s not to say that I couldn’t do that now, it’s just a lack of desire (lack of testosterone.) I’m not 22 anymore and once a night, plus maybe once earlier in the day is good enough for me.

I am ~22 :) . But I’ve been this way ever since early puberty, and I have no signs of low testosterone, so I’m not at all concerned about it. People vary.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

PE seems to have decreased my recovery time substantially. Before it was something like 20 minutes, now I’m usually fit for fight again after 5 min depending on how eager she is to get more. Erection quality is also better; harder, more reliable also after having a few drinks too much. After the first ejaculation the subsequent always felt less intense though, also quite unimportant since we are just continuing “making love”. I may ejaculate, maybe not. This was part of the reasons I became interested in the multi-orgasmic technique, fascinating results so far on many levels! Who knows, when I practised this for some time I may not ejaculate at all and recovery time becomes totally irrelevant.

I get hard 15 minutes after ejaculating even before pe!my sex drives always been high though.I find if having sex with a new chick it’s easy to keep getting hard all night but harder to if you slept with the same chick before.

Well, I’m guessing PE’ing will increase your ability to quickly recover. When I got into it a few years ago, I basically just concentrated on Kegels because I was scared I’d be a one-pump-chump for my first time. It worked, as I was able to keep from orgasming for well over 2 hours.

Just recently started back into PE’ing again, but my PC muscle (I think that’s what Kegels focus on) is still strong from several years ago. I’m still able to “get it back up” within the first 5-10 mins after orgasm, by Kegel’ing, but my mind just isn’t in it. Ie: My package is willing, but my mind would rather go work on my car lol.

Take care and happy PE’ing!

Started 14-Feb-05 BPFL = 4" BPEL = 6.5" EG = 4 1/2"

This is interesting. After I orgasm, I have nothing left in me. When I first started to bang my gf, we went at it 2-3 times a day 2-3 days in a row! But ever since we have been on a consistent schedule, once a day is all I have in me. I’m 25. I would love to go at it 5 min. later.


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