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Increasing girth size

Increasing girth size

Hi I’m new to the site but excited to get started on a new PE exercise.. I have done jelq before for about 2-3 days then stopped around 3-4 months ago. This time I’m gonna be more dedicated and put more time in. I haven’t measured but I would say I’m average on girth and length. What I would like to work on is gains on girth if length comes in the process then great it not I’m ok with girth increases only. I remember when I jelqed before I would always get fully erect I have trouble getting it up at 50-75 percent. Any tips would be great on how to not let it get fully erect. Also I’m gonna start the newbie program [url]http://www.thundersplace.Org/forum/showthread.php?t=3507 I know not to go over bored so imma do this for a month then look into additional PE exercises. If anyone thinks I should try something else please let me know as I am open to exercises for begginers and really wanna get some gains. Also should I do exercises and get on a PE pill or should I just do some exercises before I decide to get any kind of enlargement pills. If I’m not alowed to ask that plz let me know and you I will remove that question thanx

Last edited by rigogpu : 03-19-2012 at .

Definitely start with the newbie routine and stick with it for the full amount of time. Also, make sure you measure right away because you’re gonna want to have a baseline for comparison or else you’ll be guessing what your gains are.

As for difficulty keeping your erection level between 50 and 75%, I’ve found that the only way that works for me is to stop until the erection goes down, and then continue. This happened to me more at first, but as I continued PE it has happened less now.

A lot of guys take pycnogenol and L-Arginine, horny goat weed, longjack aka tongkat ali, garlic, lysine, ginkgo biloba, and tribulus terrestris, to name a few. Try searching the forum for some of these supplements and you’ll quickly learn all about what their pros and cons are, etc. Don’t forget there is a Supplements forum too.

Supplements might help, but the exercises are the main thing, so if $ is an issue, I wouldn’t worry all that much about it yet, but that’s just my opinion.

Hey sup, I think you should be off any kind of pills because most of them are extremely expensive and don’t enlarge anything and might cause seriously damage to your health, and take easy on the girth exercises because they are high tension and you need to get your unit used to the PE exercises tension, so start easy, newbie routine and then add a few girth exercises to shape your routine and your unit, good luck and good gains

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Thanks for the info fellas also one more question how long before and after can I have sex or masturbate while doing these PE exercises.. I’ve read don’t ejaculate after or before completing the PE for the day but whats the time frame that I should follow to hold up on that. It’s kinda hard to not pleasure yourself. Yesterday I jelqed and only way I can get it up was by looking at porn or thinking of a sexual encounter but by then I really just wanna pleasure myself instead but I try and hold back so I can do the PE.Can I get blue balls from this?

Nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself while jelqing. I need to do that also to maintain the erection level needed. But don’t ejaculate. This is important for a few reasons: After you cum, your dick is no good for PE (usually). You need good EQ (erection quality) for PE. And after ejaculation, you’re EQ is too low. It’s hard to explain, but the dick just gets tired and lazy and not up for any work after ejaculation; Also, you will get better blood flow and less turtleing if you don’t ejaculate after your session; and finally, you don’t want to train yourself into premature ejaculation.

It is best not to have sex and PE on the same day. The sex usually affects the EQ necessary for a good PE session. And vice-versa, after PE your dick needs to rest and heal. This is not an absolute rule though, but a guideline. But the majority of your PE sessions should not be done on a day when you have sex.

You may get blue balls, you just have to try it and see. Through practice and self-observation you’ll figure out how much abstention from ejaculation you can handle.

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