Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Increasing head size?

Increasing head size?


Can jelqs increase head and base of head size? How would you do it correctly?


Never underestimate a man. He may be slow, he may be weak and he may be an asshole but given the chance, he could put you to shame.

26/1/09 - BPEL - 5 inches, EG - Base 3.8 inches; mid shaft 4 inches

I want to know this too.

Hey goldwave84 we seem to have the same length and almost the same girth.

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

Yupp! Hoping to hit 7x5 in one year. Motivation and consistency is key. Its all about going all the way.

Never underestimate a man. He may be slow, he may be weak and he may be an asshole but given the chance, he could put you to shame.

26/1/09 - BPEL - 5 inches, EG - Base 3.8 inches; mid shaft 4 inches

Hold on 2 inches in a year. Mate, are you sure you can do it. BUT I wont underestimate you. YOU might put me to shame.:)

What is your routine like? Please let me know.

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

Well, might as well set a goal thats just a little out of reach right?

Never underestimate a man. He may be slow, he may be weak and he may be an asshole but given the chance, he could put you to shame.

26/1/09 - BPEL - 5 inches, EG - Base 3.8 inches; mid shaft 4 inches

Haha. What is your routine?

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

Noob routine. Nothing else. Don’t rush the process dude…

Never underestimate a man. He may be slow, he may be weak and he may be an asshole but given the chance, he could put you to shame.

26/1/09 - BPEL - 5 inches, EG - Base 3.8 inches; mid shaft 4 inches

Originally Posted by goldwave84
Can jelqs increase head and base of head size? How would you do it correctly?

You’ve been here long enough to know this.

Search term: head size
Search limit: titles only

You’ll find many threads discussing this.

Yep Newbie routine that is what I am doing.

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

Westla, I found it after a few tries. I will be more careful next time.

Never underestimate a man. He may be slow, he may be weak and he may be an asshole but given the chance, he could put you to shame.

26/1/09 - BPEL - 5 inches, EG - Base 3.8 inches; mid shaft 4 inches

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