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IR and Fertility

IR and Fertility

Does prolonged exposure to an infrared light make you less fertile? Is there any long term damage that might come from using an IR light source, either to your penis itself or you sperm. I realized it might temporarily kill all my sperm cause of the hear but will it have a long term effect, since the IR light penetrates 40mm into you skin?

IR light is safe.

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I’m not so sure one can say that IR heat is safe.

In order to heat up your testicles similarly, you’d have to spend a half hour in a sauna - and most people can’t stand it that long. Granted, your entire body is heated up which is the reason for the discomfort. But few people go for daily half-hour saunas, which is probably a similar situation (from the testicles point of view) to IR heating daily.

Even if we could say “OK, we killed this batch of sperm, that’s alright, reboot the production”, I am NOT certain that recurrent heating would NOT permanently damage the production apparatus. I think it is prudent to play it safe here.

Simplest thing to do is to hitch up your boxers to cover your balls, textile is apparently good at blocking the IR.

regards, mgus

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What I meant was just that we experience loads of long-wave infrared constantly — through sunlight, asphalt, radiators, etc. etc. (We humans are also consantly emitting infrared radiation, alongside other frequencies.)

I agree with Mgus that frying your balls every day is probably not a good idea. My understanding was that PEers were using IR lamps simply to warm their package to an ordinary safe temperature — say, 90 or 100 degrees Fahrenheit, like in a warm shower — but perhaps some individuals are overdoing it. I’ve never incorporated much warming up in my own workouts so I’m fairly ignorant of these things.

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Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
What I meant was just that we experience loads of long-wave infrared constantly — through sunlight, asphalt, radiators, etc. etc. (We humans are also consantly emitting infrared radiation, alongside other frequencies.)

I agree with Mgus that frying your balls every day is probably not a good idea. My understanding was that PEers were using IR lamps simply to warm their package to an ordinary safe temperature — say, 90 or 100 degrees Fahrenheit, like in a warm shower — but perhaps some individuals are overdoing it. I’ve never incorporated much warming up in my own workouts so I’m fairly ignorant of these things.

Nicely put Para, it sorted out some of my doubts regarding IR.

Another nice thread @ Infrared And Cancer . Tells you why it doesnt cause cancer.

Man_Dingo :D

You guys might want to check out Dangles little red spots. I’m not sure we ever eliminated over use of the IR as the cause.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

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