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Is a pump good enough alone?

Is a pump good enough alone?

I was wondering if a pump would be good enough alone without the annoying excersises. What about a pump and weights? Must the excersises be done?

It is really best to back up the pump with those annoying exercises. It’s nice to have a little muscle to pump blood into that huge hardon you get from pumping. I like to kegel in the tube while pumping and also milk the tube. In between pump sets of 10 minutes, jelq or massage to restore blood flow.

If you back up your hardon with some muscle, you will never have any trouble getting it up to the max.

I am a total newbie, with only 6 or so weeks under my belt. But I have made pumping the center piece of my regiment, and I am pretty sure I have noticed a slight gain just as of recent. I augmented my “pump only” routine by doing lots of research and seeing what the vets like Avocet8 and Gprent101 had to say. (I mention them because I know they are pumpers.)

If you re-read “vacuum pumping 101” you will see that Avocet recommends some Jelqing in between sets. So that is what I do. In another thread he also mentioned doing some manual stretching before lubing up and entering the tube (but after warmup — don’t skip that!), so again, I added that to my regimen. I also added kegels based on suggestions here.

That said, in my many hours of perusing threads, I did notice a few people mention “I have made gains from pumping alone”, but I think the consensus is do “the annoying exersizes” as well, building them “around” (and in between!) pumping, so-to-speak…

My $.02,

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