Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is it possible to make significant gains without supplements?

Is it possible to make significant gains without supplements?

I started weight training this year and now I have started PE’s. I am not big on supplements. Although I know that significant gains can be made in weight training without supplements, they can make a HUGE difference
with weight training.

Is it the same case with PE? Do I really need L-Arginine and other supplements to get results?
How many people here has made results without them? If so what kind of results?


Welcome to Thunder’s. To answer your question, the supplements seem to help keep your penis fuller (more blood flow) in the flaccid state. I never used them early on when I started PE, (last fall), and I made great gains: 3 and half inches flaccid, and 2 inches BPEL. Good luck.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I agree the supps have more effect on flaccid size than erect size. Vasodialotors give you a fuller, heavier dick, as will heavy water consumption. Also aggressive PE can make it hard for even some of the younger guys to keep a good erection for pumping and girth work, such as Uli’s and bends, so it really helps us older members without having to resort to Viagra or Cialis. But I think the supps have little effect on erect gains.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Search function, top of page. Try “penis pills”

Lots of H2o, healthy diet, dedicated PE routine = bigger willie.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

After you stop taking these pills, does the bigger flaccid size decrease?

H.H.- What supps did you use to improve flaccid hang?


Welcome to Thunder’s!! I tried L-Arginine (1000 mg. a day) for a while, but it upset my stomach. It did help me maintain a fuller flaccid hang. But I found drinking a gallon of water a day does the same thing.

After you have a bigger flaccid size, stopping the pills shouldn’t make any difference. They’re just a temporary “fix” anyway.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


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