Is my body Back to 15 Yo?
I need some help,
I have noticed something strange with my body. The first times, I wasn’t sure about what was doing it.. But after 3 or 4 times with the same results, now I am sure.
Here it is: I re-started the newbie routine about a few weeks ago( I have started it a few times, but always end up, because of some side effects. Again, these last 2 weeks, I’ve been doing some nice sessions of quick 1.5-2 seconds jelqs, some times 1000, sometimes, 800, sometimes 2000. I don’t do it too hard, because I want to stress the unit in a different way.. OK, it’s a big explanation, I will start a new thread about it.
No matter how many jelqs I do, if it’s above a certain value, like 1000, when I finish it, my body goes a bit crazy. I even called a doctor, a Sunday night, because I thought it was something I had eaten. But no.
Actually, when I do it, I won’t be able to shit, for the next 2-4 days. My face, will become a bit red, sometimes, I have kind of small fever blisters/ pimples over the face, under the eyes and on the nose . The kind of shit we all have, during puberty. Also, the 2-3 days after the day I do my jelqs, I sweat a lot. But I mean A LOT. Face, forehead, legs, and the worst: the center of my back. It’s like a river, there, I wash myself, change wet clothes, 5 minutes later, I put my hand there, and there is another river. And this situation lasts 4 or 5 days. There are days I use 10 different . Another effect: dizziness and some head ache.
It could be the morphine I must take for my pain, but I never had that before. I had to take some Testosterone during 3 months, once a month, but I haven’t had such effects. Otherwise, a recent checkup said everything was fine with liver, blood, etc.
All I can see is my jelqs. Like 4 or 5 times, whenever I do my workouts, like 1 day on, 2 day off, 3rd day on, off , off, on, off, the 3rd day I do my jelqs, I already have those spots on my nose. And the day after that, I have all the symptoms I’ve mentioned.
I have a feeling my body is acting like there was a growth surge. The kind when we are young. Specially those fever blisters. It’s like the hormones are crazy, and they do this to me? Could the fact of jelqing, and forcing the body to quickly generate new cells, new skin, new glans, etc, the body detects that growth as an anomaly, as something that shouldn’t be happening at middle thirties, and, as a self defense, it acts by sweating, fever blisters, etc etc ?
When I finish doing my jelqs , I have an extra cm of skin/fat over the glans, and I have temporarily (maybe 4-6 hours) gained like an extra layer of skin/fat, about 5mm tick. That moment, I feel like I’m holding someone else dick, but not mine :)
Could it be due to the overall efforts(again, I don’t stress it with a lot of strength. But I do it quite fast, and a long period of time (2000 jelqs, one every 2 seconds)
Is this, and these side effects, a good thing ?
Could the body set itself in ‘teenager mode’, and help me increasing my size, by allocating more blood, growing new cells, where I need it the most ?
Anyone a bit like me? Any experiences?
Should I stop the jelqs?
Can’t wait for your opinion
PS. Yes, it became bigger, after these 3 weeks, despite all the side effects (sweating is annoying. .)
Thanks for reading.