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Is my body Back to 15 Yo?

Is my body Back to 15 Yo?

I need some help,

I have noticed something strange with my body. The first times, I wasn’t sure about what was doing it.. But after 3 or 4 times with the same results, now I am sure.

Here it is: I re-started the newbie routine about a few weeks ago( I have started it a few times, but always end up, because of some side effects. Again, these last 2 weeks, I’ve been doing some nice sessions of quick 1.5-2 seconds jelqs, some times 1000, sometimes, 800, sometimes 2000. I don’t do it too hard, because I want to stress the unit in a different way.. OK, it’s a big explanation, I will start a new thread about it.
No matter how many jelqs I do, if it’s above a certain value, like 1000, when I finish it, my body goes a bit crazy. I even called a doctor, a Sunday night, because I thought it was something I had eaten. But no.

Actually, when I do it, I won’t be able to shit, for the next 2-4 days. My face, will become a bit red, sometimes, I have kind of small fever blisters/ pimples over the face, under the eyes and on the nose . The kind of shit we all have, during puberty. Also, the 2-3 days after the day I do my jelqs, I sweat a lot. But I mean A LOT. Face, forehead, legs, and the worst: the center of my back. It’s like a river, there, I wash myself, change wet clothes, 5 minutes later, I put my hand there, and there is another river. And this situation lasts 4 or 5 days. There are days I use 10 different . Another effect: dizziness and some head ache.

It could be the morphine I must take for my pain, but I never had that before. I had to take some Testosterone during 3 months, once a month, but I haven’t had such effects. Otherwise, a recent checkup said everything was fine with liver, blood, etc.

All I can see is my jelqs. Like 4 or 5 times, whenever I do my workouts, like 1 day on, 2 day off, 3rd day on, off , off, on, off, the 3rd day I do my jelqs, I already have those spots on my nose. And the day after that, I have all the symptoms I’ve mentioned.

I have a feeling my body is acting like there was a growth surge. The kind when we are young. Specially those fever blisters. It’s like the hormones are crazy, and they do this to me? Could the fact of jelqing, and forcing the body to quickly generate new cells, new skin, new glans, etc, the body detects that growth as an anomaly, as something that shouldn’t be happening at middle thirties, and, as a self defense, it acts by sweating, fever blisters, etc etc ?

When I finish doing my jelqs , I have an extra cm of skin/fat over the glans, and I have temporarily (maybe 4-6 hours) gained like an extra layer of skin/fat, about 5mm tick. That moment, I feel like I’m holding someone else dick, but not mine :)

Could it be due to the overall efforts(again, I don’t stress it with a lot of strength. But I do it quite fast, and a long period of time (2000 jelqs, one every 2 seconds)

Is this, and these side effects, a good thing ?

Could the body set itself in ‘teenager mode’, and help me increasing my size, by allocating more blood, growing new cells, where I need it the most ?

Anyone a bit like me? Any experiences?
Should I stop the jelqs?

Can’t wait for your opinion

PS. Yes, it became bigger, after these 3 weeks, despite all the side effects (sweating is annoying. .)

Thanks for reading.

Dude start with like 20-50 long slow jelqs, no clue why on earth you would do 2000, not even the hardest of PE pros do anything near that.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

I started jelqing with my extender like a month ago and I jelq for 13 minutes 3-5 seconds each and I already fell thicker.

2000 jelqs is way too much, the newbie routine doesn’t require or recommend doing anywhere near that amount. That is probley a big part of your problem. Could be mixed with causes like diet, sleep schedule, physical activity, medications. Are you over weight at all? Are you taking any supplements too aid your PE?

Re read and follow the newbie routine too the book exactly and see if that helps.. again 2000 jelqs is crazy, even 800 is a huge amount, but too a newbie.. It’s like trying to learn to run before you can walk!

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

I dunno about being able too restart your teens… excessive testosterone can promote symptoms of puberty (so I’ve heard). If there was a sure fire way too feel like your that young again, I think doctor’s would be prescribing whatever miracle it is that would do such a thing too a lot of people as they are aging. Aging is unfortunately natural and as of yet, there is no way that is known too the general public to go back and feel the way we do in our teens (symptom and age wise). Unless I’ve missed the latest medical breakthrough! Lol

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Your symptoms sound a lot like those caused by opiate drugs; constipation, sweating, dizziness, and flush face. I’m not sure how you would get blisters on your face. I think you mean that you are getting boils and pimples. It could be the testosterone you’re taking, no?

All of your symptoms can be explained by the medication you are taking. Unfortunately, that means you’re not miraculously getting younger.

Replacing cells actually is part of what makes you age. While your cells proliferate, your DNA begins to degrade from hundreds of thousands of replications. It is possible to force your cells to remain in a quiescent state, which will prolong your life, but your body will no longer be able to heal itself efficiently.


Last edited by rumpelforeskin : 07-29-2015 at .

Originally Posted by rumpelforeskin
Your symptoms sound a lot like those caused by opiate drugs; constipation, sweating, dizziness, and flush face. I’m not sure how you would get blisters on your face. I think you mean that you are getting boils and pimples. It could be the testosterone you’re taking, no?

All of your symptoms can be explained by the medication you are taking. Unfortunately, that means you’re not miraculously getting younger.

Replacing cells actually is part of what makes you age. While your cells proliferate, your DNA begins to degrade from hundreds of thousands of replications. It is possible to force your cells to remain in a quiescent state, which will prolong your life, but your body will no longer be able to heal itself efficiently.


I’ve been under opiate drugs for at least 7 years now, and never had those side effects. Just checked my nose, the tip is all red.
About the testo, (intra muscle), I started it like 5 months ago, I had no visible effects.
About the 1500 or 2000 jelqs, it may sound a lot, but as I explained, I’m not even applying 1/10 of the strength we can see on the video tutorials. I don’t apply a lot of pressure when doing it. But for sure, the repeated 800-1200 jelqs (average) make the skin really hot. Please, don’t think I’m crazy :) all the warmup and everything else is done. I just decided to make more jelqs , really softly, than just a few ones but with 5 tons of pressure. If the goal is to stress the tunica, muscles, skin, etc, I’ve found that making more but softly, while maintaining a certain rhythm, was much better than doing much less, but applying much more pressure.
Having tested the 2 ways, I know my body and unit work better and feel more comfortable with the more/softer way.

No matter what it is, after my weekly sessions, I have the symptoms I described. And the testo intake, it was because I and my doctor have discovered through blood tests, that my testo levels were ultra low. It was not meant to make me become 10 years younger.

Allergic reaction to the lube you’re using ?

I am 35 years old. When I started pe 7 months ago I did notice that my physical condition got worse. In about three months of pe I started feeling exhausted. Man, I could barely walk. I was, at the same time hitting the gym 4 days a week. I did notice some red spots in my arms and legs here and there, had trouble sleeping and I was sweating like a pig during sleeping hours. A lot of dizziness and I felt light headed.That was ok. I don’t generally panic.

Here’s what I did. I thought maybe my body adjusts to a new condition that isn’t familiar with. So I said let’s give it something extra to help my immune system a little just in case my body resists to what I am trying to do. So I started drinking a lot of water, eating a lot of broccoli, spinach, fish and quality no fat red meat and liver and a few raw eggs a week. I stopped going to the gym for 2 weeks to rest and I didn’t stop pe but I went a little more easy on it

Guess what happened after 10 days.My dick grew! After that, no symptoms at all.

I am not kidding. I think your body is trying to tell you <<What the fuck are you doing?. That’s not normal for your age! >>. The cool thing is that you can trick your body into it. It may resist to what you are trying to do and when you pass that your body, as it is a very well adaptable machine, may start using a lot of extra nutrients and testosterone to make your dick grow again.

We should start a thread about that. You know. How our bodies responded to pe at first. So we can cover many cases and new people will know what to expect.

By the way…. 1000 jelqs? Doesn’t matter what the pressure is. You are being very harsh to your dick.Very harsh. Lower the reps to 200 and increase the one rep time to 3-5 secs. Apply more pressure.

Last edited by bill10 : 07-29-2015 at .

As all the guys have said 15-20 mins of slow wet jelqs are all you need to do at this stage.2000 jelqs is hard core. I think I would rather run a marathon.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Originally Posted by bill10
I am 35 years old. When I started PE 7 months ago I did notice that my physical condition got worse. In about three months of PE I started feeling exhausted. Man, I could barely walk. I was, at the same time hitting the gym 4 days a week. I did notice some red spots in my arms and legs here and there, had trouble sleeping and I was sweating like a pig during sleeping hours. A lot of dizziness and I felt light headed. That was ok. I don’t generally panic.

Here’s what I did. I thought maybe my body adjusts to a new condition that isn’t familiar with. So I said let’s give it something extra to help my immune system a little just in case my body resists to what I am trying to do. So I started drinking a lot of water, eating a lot of broccoli, spinach, fish and quality no fat red meat and liver and a few raw eggs a week. I stopped going to the gym for 2 weeks to rest and I didn’t stop PE but I went a little more easy on it

Guess what happened after 10 days. My dick grew! After that, no symptoms at all.

I am not kidding. I think your body is trying to tell you <<What the fuck are you doing?. That’s not normal for your age! >>. The cool thing is that you can trick your body into it. It may resist to what you are trying to do and when you pass that your body, as it is a very well adaptable machine, may start using a lot of extra nutrients and testosterone to make your dick grow again.

We should start a thread about that. You know. How our bodies responded to PE at first. So we can cover many cases and new people will know what to expect.

By the way.. 1000 jelqs? Doesn’t matter what the pressure is. You are being very harsh to your dick. Very harsh. Lower the reps to 200 and increase the one rep time to 3-5 secs. Apply more pressure.

Big thanks, man, for your answer.
I eat some red meat like twice a month, and eat tons of fruits, melon, watermelon, almonds , tons of other dried fruits, and lots of vegetables. Vitamin d3, magnesium( good for muscles.. And the dick is a muscle, I think) , etc etc. I really force myself to eat really healthy food.

The lub is a real lub, had used it a few times, never had a problem with it.

Like you say, my body is telling me something. And because it did that to me only after 2-3 jelq sessions , I’m 100% sure all those reactions and effects in my body exist because of my jelq sections.

We can say what we want, the truth is, when we start our jelqs, we are forcing our body to create new skin, muscle, tissues, blood, nerves, etc. What we may call simple exercises, could easily be interpreted by the body as a big threat, like cancerous cells, a huge outbreak, huge virus, etc. And just like other virus, the body reacts by overheating (to kill bad cells or viruses ), different feces (again, maybe some complex metabolism , to evacuate some germs ), fever spots, etc.

For sure, these jelqs aren’t 100% innocent.. Are we messing with our body, at least, the first weeks, until the body realises it’s not a virus or another threat? For sure, yes.

Again, +1500 jelqs may sound a lot. .. But imagine you use your right hand, and you pull your left index, with only a little pressure(with lub): will it stress the dick and ligaments like crazy? No. Will it warm the skin? Oh yes. And that’s what I’m looking for. I will open a thread to explain my theory and why I do it.. But for now, I will just ask a question:

Let’s say, if I try to fill a balloon with air, and that balloon goes inside a metallic cylinder, what is going to happen? Yeah, despite its elasticity, the size of the balloon will be limited by the size of that cylinder, right?
Now, let’s apply that to my dick (fucking spell checker, keeps displaying ‘disk’ when I type ‘dick’). Yeah, I may stress all ligaments, I may stress the cavernosa thing, I may apply 100 tons of pressure, and do 1 million jelqs during 10 years. But what if the surrounding skin (like the metallic cylinder) won’t allow the entire penis to grow (the balloon), because the skin can’t stretch anymore, and won’t let the “balloon” grow?
My dick growth will be limited by the skin, that can’t stretch anymore.

That’s why I noticed that, by doing lots of quick low-pressure jelqs (I pull my unit in random 360 degrees), my max is 2000, at ~2 seconds each, that makes around 30-45-60 minutes, at the end of my session, ALL the skin on my penis, from base to glans, is ultra warm (again, jelqs create 90% friction and 10% pressure, and friction means.heat), and all the skin is much ticker, and instead of having a thin stretched skin, the skin thickness is now around 5 mm, or 0.2 inches. All the skin.all. Suddenly, I have a dick from another planet!

So why do I focus on stretching the skin, instead of strongly making some powerful jelqs? Again, the balloon /cylinder theory. If I want my dick to grow, the size of the skin (cylinder) must become much bigger, to be able to stretch and accommodate the eventual bigger cavernosa and her friends. I hope you understand. Anyway, I will create a new thread to talk about that :)

Oh yeah, almost forgot, before AND after the +1000 jelqs, I let the verrry hot water roll down on my dick, during 1-5 minutes. The water must be as hot as possible, just before it burns or hurts.

As I said , our bodies will adapt to some crazy shit. No worries. When symptoms stops you will see gains. I did. Interesting theory you got there for the jelqs. I understand what you are saying. Tell you what. If it works for you and you can do it without injury or negative PI’s go for it and report back.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.


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