Thunder's Place

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Is Penis a Muscle?

Is Penis a Muscle?

Hi everyone,

I’ve reacently read a website about jelqing and it stated that Jelqing WILL WORK if penis is a muscle but penis ISN’T a muscle so therefor, jelqing simply will not increase the length and girth of your penis. As a PE member, I thought that website was a piece of garbage and are all wrong, but it made me wonder. Is penis really a muscle? I’ve had people who said it is and some who said it isn’t. Does anyone know for a fact that penis is or is not a muscle? and how would it affect the whether jelqing will increase your penis size and girth. Thanks all.

Penis has some smooth muscles. Think of a penis as a balloon. When you jelq, you expand it, hopefully permanently, in time. Jelq doesn’t have anything to do with penis’ muscles.

Originally Posted by yx32mike
Is penis really a muscle? I’ve had people who said it is and some who said it isn’t. Does anyone know for a fact that penis is or is not a muscle?

Why, it’s the “Love Muscle”……. :)

Technically, no. If you need proof, look at the Governor of California back in his Mr. Olympia days. There would have been no bikini on Earth to contain him.

You are improving blood-flow, retention and stretching ligaments and the tunica, not doing a hyper-trophic exercise. It has been explained in this site many times over in excruciating detail by people a lot smarter than me…….

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

It can’t work? Mrs RBM says otherwise. :)


Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)


The penis is NOT a muscle, it contains some smooth muscle, but it isn’t one.

What you are doing when jelqing and stretching/hanging/pumping is you are breaking down the tissues and allowing them to rebuild at a longer state.

And I can attest to the fact that it does in fact work, my spouse has gained from doing manual exercises, and it isn’t my imagination.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Hmmm, they seem to have it the wrong way round.

If the penis was infact a muscle, then jelqing would not work.


Where would I be without PE?

No but lots of other things would and wouldnt that be cool hehe

No hand pressups :o

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