Regarding the OP question of what he could do short of an anal toy to ignite his prostate, there are many resources out there on prostate orgasms, male multiple orgasms, and Super Orgasms and Total body orgasms experienced without anal toys.
First, check Amazon and a site authored by keepitupjohnson. Keepitupjohnson has written a pamphlet book available on Amazon. The book is LOVE SATISFIES. It is an easy read and teaches men to slow down in edging and engage the prostate. He advocates pulling the sexual energy generated by orgasmic feelings all over the body by mental focus on the pleasure.
Another great book is INSTANT ORGASM by Greg and Vera Bodansky. It is available on Amazon and espouses principles much like keepitupjohnson’s.
What you are basically after is tantra practices which you should google as they apply to male orgasm. Prostate orgasms are body rocking and what the OP experienced did involve his prostate. Prostate orgasms are so much more intense than regular orgasms and are generally dry with no refractory period being invoked. A man can experience Male Multiple Orgasms for minutes and even hours. It involves an addictive orgasmic high that energizes the entire male body.
There is a site on Male Multiple orgasms dealing with a “key sound” approach to tantric male multiple orgasms. They sell a CD for almost 200 bucks and the site has forums where you can investigate further.
One last thing: There is a spiritual component to these type of exceptional orgasms. God made these male bodies not some Eastern non diety. Men on these websites mention the spiritual component to these orgasm occasionally. For me, I know that these powerful and beautiful orgasms are a gift from our maker who did declare that we as men are fearfully and wondrously made. Prostate orgasms will convince you of a good diety who put those kind of feelings in the male body.