Thanks for the advice. I’m going down to this girls tonight for a meal. I’m still in 2 minds about going for it. She definitely does like me as she told me last night. After we went for a few drinks she came up for a massage. She’d get a lot of hassle being with me from my mate (<— not m8) and so would I. I don’t really want to hurt anybody but by not being with her it would hurt me just as much.
I even said to her that what if we did wait and she fell in love with someone or that I did. She is scared tho of her ex and her best pal has liked me for ages she told me. I so much want to be with her but it seems were gonna cause a lot of shit for this and were kinda sceptical about it all. I wish my head was a little clearer to make a decision. Everything is telling me no. But when I’m with her nothing matters. Is it going to be right destroying other people’s feelings just for our own happiness. But I don’t want to be kicking myself a few years down the line either.
Her ex (my mate) is coming to stay with me for a few nights next week because his mums boyfriend is coming up with his kids so he’s getting chucked out for a few days. I’m not a nasty person and I don’t want to hurt him but I can’t help how I feel. I do feel so bad though about everything but it’s good when I’m with her. Longman & gameofinches I want to go for it but would you risk hurting a good friend of 8 years for this. He still loves her too?
I want to do an ostrich and bury my head in the sand but life ain’t like that.
Wish me luck - I’ll need it!