It's been long enough.
Hi everyone. I’ve been reading and cautiously PE’ing now for many months and thought it’s about time to make my first post.
I’m really glad I found this site because I’ve already learned a lot of great information and see that there are a lot of good guys here willing help achieve a dick size goal. BTW I hope I can get to 8!
I was 6.5 BPEL back in August of 04 and now am happy to see I’ve gained close to 3/4” in in length and maybe 1/4” in girth. My erections feels so much better and my wife seems to have noticed too already.
So far I haven’t told her but hope to in the future. I’ve already told my close buds about PE but so far think I’m touch I think!! But if they still think it’s a myth it’s their loss.
I really happy with the gains and hope to post more and some pictures in the future
—- Neo
Start: BPEL 6.5" Girth 5.25" Current: BPEL 7.25" Girth 5.5"