Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Its possible to gain length with just manual stretches?


You are truly lucky gaining in NBPEL length too as I’m struggling with it a lot.

But I won’t give up at all.

I’m more determined than before to gain and I’m sure that I will gain too at the end.

Originally Posted by qntrnar
Sure, I can tell you all the exercises I’m using, but I don’t have any routine, I simply use the ones that feel like a good stretch, till that sensation is gone, one day at a time.

The one I used the most is a basic one-hand stretch, up and forward-ish angles, thumb on the head, palm facing the roof. You can reinforce the grip with the other hand. It had the benefit to extend the head too.

This year I gained quite a bit from pulling behind the head instead, forward, palm facing the floor, with the other hand pulling near the base. It hits the inner penis harder.

I started with V stretches but don’t use them much now, unless I am particulary tense on one side or the other.

I don’t pull down, left or right.

Wow you gained all that from only upwards stretching? Foreal? That’s impressive


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