Originally Posted by qntrnar
Sure, I can tell you all the exercises I’m using, but I don’t have any routine, I simply use the ones that feel like a good stretch, till that sensation is gone, one day at a time.The one I used the most is a basic one-hand stretch, up and forward-ish angles, thumb on the head, palm facing the roof. You can reinforce the grip with the other hand. It had the benefit to extend the head too.
This year I gained quite a bit from pulling behind the head instead, forward, palm facing the floor, with the other hand pulling near the base. It hits the inner penis harder.
I started with V stretches but don’t use them much now, unless I am particulary tense on one side or the other.
I don’t pull down, left or right.
Wow you gained all that from only upwards stretching? Foreal? That’s impressive