Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've been told not to over do it

I've been told not to over do it

I’ve only been doing PE “consitantly” for two weeks but I’ve done it on and off for a year now. I was told in another thread to stick with the begginers routine for the first 6 weeks but .. I’ve done at least fifteen minutes of jelqing today and I wanna do more grr! I may be too excited but I don’t feel any pain in the dick, you’ve just gotta be careful not to push too hard else things start exploding in your penis hehe….

so who’s gunna suggest I go do ten more minutes and who’s gunna suggest playing it safe.. let’s take a vote. thanks guys -jim

Hi Jimmy

you alone have to decide what amount of time you are going to spend.
If you listen to your dick carefully you won’t have any problems when doing more.
Please stay away from any ‘hardcore’-exercises during the first couple of weeks (erect bends, extreme Ulis etc).

Good luck!


I started jelqing in the end of november, 200 a day. Then I started doing 100 in the morning, and 200 at night. After one week I was doing 400 a day, usually for three or more days in a row.

As a result I got some temporary ED, and no gains. Your dick needs both time to heal so rest days are important, and time to be accostomed to the new excercises and conditioning.

I re-started back on 200 a day 2 days on, on Jan 1st. I plan to change this routine on March 1st. These first two months I see as conditioning and learning phase, before I can throw in some more advanced stuff.

My advice: Don't overdo it



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