Thunder's Place

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Jelq And Hang After

Jelq And Hang After

Hii everyone!!

I was wondering if anyone has experienced hanging then jelqing a few hours after.I am having difficulties with the combination of both.When I hang without jelqing after throughout the days I am able to hang without any discomfort.When I do hang and jelq afterwords it becomes hard to even finish a set of hanging.I begin to hang everyday at 1 pm till I finish all 12-20 Min sets which is 4 to 6 hours in total with 10 minute brakes in between.Then like around 11 pm I do one set of 100 jelqs.But when ever I hang only without the jelq included on that day I am able to do a lot more or complete all 12-20 min hang sets.I don’t know why I am having this problem.I thought that jelqing at 11 pm then hanging the next day at 1 pm and so forth would give my penis enough time to heal so that workouts would not interfere with each other.Has anyone done both workouts everyday?any suggestions,Ideas would really help.Is there anyway I could do both cause I really wanna do both workouts giving only jelq a two day rest period (Sat-Sun) and hanging no rest period.

Originally Posted by Style69
……I begin to hang everyday at 1 pm till I finish all 12-20 Min sets which is 4 to 6 hours in total with 10 minute brakes in between.Then like around 11 pm I do one set of 100 jelqs………..
Has anyone done both workouts everyday?any suggestions,Ideas would really help.Is there anyway I could do both cause I really wanna do both workouts giving only jelq a two day rest period (Sat-Sun) and hanging no rest period.

Hy Style,
here’s you an hint to add readers to your posts: add spaces. :)

Many have done jelq+hanging, but not so many did 5 hours daily of hanging. When do you think your penis can recover enough to stand jelqs?

Originally Posted by Style69
Hii everyone!!

I was wondering if anyone has experienced hanging then jelqing a few hours after.I am having difficulties with the combination of both.When I hang without jelqing after throughout the days I am able to hang without any discomfort.When I do hang and jelq afterwords it becomes hard to even finish a set of hanging.I begin to hang everyday at 1 pm till I finish all 12-20 Min sets which is 4 to 6 hours in total with 10 minute brakes in between.Then like around 11 pm I do one set of 100 jelqs.But when ever I hang only without the jelq included on that day I am able to do a lot more or complete all 12-20 min hang sets.I don’t know why I am having this problem.I thought that jelqing at 11 pm then hanging the next day at 1 pm and so forth would give my penis enough time to heal so that workouts would not interfere with each other.Has anyone done both workouts everyday?any suggestions,Ideas would really help.Is there anyway I could do both cause I really wanna do both workouts giving only jelq a two day rest period (Sat-Sun) and hanging no rest period.

You are one motivated dude! I hang for 6 20 minute sets everyday (sometimes I only get 4-5 sets in due to time constraints). Hanging 6 hours is like double my routine, that is dedication! I also jelq for 30 minutes a day.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

I’m no hanging expert, but if at all possible I would try to spread out my hanging routine. If you have the available time (and it sounds like you do), try hanging 2 hour sets through out the day with, maybe 50 jelqs after each hanging set. Experiment a little.

Hope this helps,


Originally Posted by marinera
Hy Style,
Here’s you an hint to add readers to your posts: add spaces. :)

Many have done jelq+hanging, but not so many did 5 hours daily of hanging. When do you think your penis can recover enough to stand jelqs?

I do not have a problem with jelqing after I hang is the other way around.I have problems with hanging after I jelq.

I hang at 1 pm then jelq at 11 pm that same day.

Any suggestion?? Thanks for the reply.Nice to meet you Marinera.

Are you latin?? Your Alias is latin.I Am latin aswell

Originally Posted by Naab
I’m no hanging expert, but if at all possible I would try to spread out my hanging routine. If you have the available time (and it sounds like you do), try hanging 2 hour sets through out the day with, maybe 50 jelqs after each hanging set. Experiment a little.

Hope this helps,


Mmm sounds like a good idea naab but that is to light for me. You have to push hanging and jelqing to penis limits or else it will take forever to see any gains.

You have to hang till you reach fatigue without pain and that many sets will not help me progress with the amount of Lbs I’m hanging.If I do it that way ill just be taking steps back.Reaching fatigue is the key. If I do anything out the limits I have already adapted my penis into doing I will not reach fatigue.

Maybe I should cut Jelqing back a bit but maintain hanging progress??

Thanks for the help naab

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
You are one motivated dude! I hang for 6 20 minute sets everyday (sometimes I only get 4-5 sets in due to time constraints). Hanging 6 hours is like double my routine, that is dedication! I also jelq for 30 minutes a day.

It is kind of hard to do 6 hours.Keep in mind that 10 min rest in between equals 2 hours outta the 6 in total cause 12 sets of 20 min hanging equals to 4 hours of hanging.

It’s all about how bad you really want to gain,how early you want to see results,keeping your self entertained (Tv,Video games etc), privacy,Time And Comfort. A fusion of all does makes long periods of hanging everyday a bit more easier to do.

You have to sacrifice a lot of time for sure and adjust the time you have left to do other important things throughout the day and that’s the hard part.

Thanks for the reply HardbodyPEer

Originally Posted by Style69
It is kind of hard to do 6 hours.Keep in mind that 10 min rest in between equals 2 hours outta the 6 in total cause 12 sets of 20 min hanging equals to 4 hours of hanging.

It’s all about how bad you really want to gain,how early you want to see results,keeping your self entertained (Tv,Video games etc), privacy,Time And Comfort. A fusion of all does makes long periods of hanging everyday a bit more easier to do.

You have to sacrifice a lot of time for sure and adjust the time you have left to do other important things throughout the day and that’s the hard part.

Thanks for the reply HardbodyPEer

Hey man, I know what you mean. I hope you see some really good results. I’d hang that long if I had the time, but I simply don’t. It’s tough enough to hang for as long as I hang now. If you don’t mind me asking, how do you hang?

I’m doing BTC hanging, I’m at 12.5lbs, but I’m about to move up to 15 because the fatigue factor isn’t as much as what it once was. I lay my back on my bed, I get my preacher curl bench put my legs (hamstrings) where your arms (triceps) would be placed (with my knees at the top if you can picture it). This is a very comfortable way to hang, and from what I’ve read, BTC seems to be the best method instead of straight down for most people.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by Style69

I do not have a problem with jelqing after I hang is the other way around.I have problems with hanging after I jelq.


Then jelq after hanging. :shrug:

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
Hey man, I know what you mean. I hope you see some really good results. I’d hang that long if I had the time, but I simply don’t. It’s tough enough to hang for as long as I hang now. If you don’t mind me asking, how do you hang?

I’m doing BTC hanging, I’m at 12.5lbs, but I’m about to move up to 15 because the fatigue factor isn’t as much as what it once was. I lay my back on my bed, I get my preacher curl bench put my legs (hamstrings) where your arms (triceps) would be placed (with my knees at the top if you can picture it). This is a very comfortable way to hang, and from what I’ve read, BTC seems to be the best method instead of straight down for most people.

I Hang BTC as well because it is said that btc is best for gains.

The way you hang sounds very comfortable.. Where can I find me a preacher curl bench? Give me more details.

I use a chair with books (For Height) and a few pillows on top of the books below me and for my back (for Comfort) then scroll my butt till half my butt is on the edge of the tall chair! Then I place my legs on a very small chair I have. It is not the most comfortable way to hang but it’s the best I could do with the resources I have at home.

I am hanging 10 Lbs everyday till my penis adjust to more stress levels then ill add more lbs.

And thanks I sure hope I see gains soon cause I am still skeptic with P.E and seeing gains will surely shock and motivate me a lot more.

Keep me updated with whats new and progress

Originally Posted by marinera
Then jelq after hanging. :Shrug:

Yeah ill probably just cut a bit on the jelq an just wear and all day stretcher after hanging.

I have the old silicone tube based stretcher called andro penis stretcher but I don’t use it cause I have heard that the silicone type is bad to wear.

I also have one called static stretcher heavy duty which I bought and never got to use.

What do you suggest?? Do it this way or just jelq a bit and hang.

I think is a good idea to use the all day stretcher cause it will come hand in hand with length progress

I’d use the static and maybe not do so much jelqing because jelqing can be hard on your skin depending on how much force you are using and what type of lube. Or maybe you should just be lightening up on your jelqing force. I use the heavy and have found it to be a good thing but be careful not to use too much force with that too.

Originally Posted by Style69
Yeah ill probably just cut a bit on the jelq an just wear and all day stretcher after hanging.


I think if you want to keep a decent level of erection while doing an intense length oriented work, jelq are near mandatory.

Adding a stretcher can also be useful. You should always remember, anyway, that everything you do add stress to your penis, so 6 hours daily hanging + many hours wearing an extender + 30+ minutes doing jelqs will probably just kill your penis.

Originally Posted by marinera
I think if you want to keep a decent level of erection while doing an intense length oriented work, jelq are near mandatory.

Adding a stretcher can also be useful. You should always remember, anyway, that everything you do add stress to your penis, so 6 hours daily hanging + many hours wearing an extender + 30+ minutes doing jelqs will probably just kill your penis.

I’ll add from my humble 6 month experience to get an ADS that you will actually wear. I bought the Jes, I never wear it because it’s a big production getting it on.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by wayoflife99
I’d use the static and maybe not do so much jelqing because jelqing can be hard on your skin depending on how much force you are using and what type of lube. Or maybe you should just be lightening up on your jelqing force. I use the heavy and have found it to be a good thing but be careful not to use too much force with that too.

Ahh man I know that.. First time I used the static heavy it gave me blisters on the head and I havent used it since.

The static is as new in it’s box collecting dust.

Thanks for your reply WAYOFLIFE99

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