Thunder's Place

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Jelqing now makes my penis bleed.


Jelqing now makes my penis bleed.

Hey all.

I just finished a four month PE hiatus because I made some mistakes with my PE routine.

I made great gains since begining my PE quest, but have made a grave mistake that, it seems, may end my PE career.

About four months ago I foolishly did my workout without warming up, and about half way through noticed that there was blood coming out of the urethra of my penis. Of course I was horrified and took about a week off, then did some light stretching and jelqing after a good long warmup. I was very upset to find that there was blood coming from my urethra even under such a low intensity!

I had gone from 10-15 minutes of intense stretching and 100 Jelq’s to 3 minutes of low intensity stretching and 20 jelq’s, but it had done nothing, I was bleeding anyway.

So of course I consulted TP for some advice. I found posts by several people who experienced the same thing, and the general concensus was that I should take a nice long break from PE to try and heal.

And so here I am, four months later. Of course, i was very excited to start PEing again, but am fully aware that after a deconditioning / healing break you cant just start up at full intensity right away, so I started doing 5 minutes of stretching every day in a very hot shower to begin getting my penis strength back. I did this for several days in a row, blood free, and with great PI’s - rock hard erections, higher sex drive, and a noticibly bigger dick.

Until today. Today, after a long warmup and 5 minutes of stretching, I did 20 jelq’s - 10 from base to mid shaft, and 10 from mid shaft to glans. Near the end I noticed a small trickle of blood from my urethra! Needless to say, I am pissed off. I love PE - it keeps me healthy, gives me confidance and a massive sex drive, and i have gained nearly 1.5 inches in length and .5 in girth from it.

GUYS what should I do? I am horrified that this problem will persist and I will never be able to PE at full strength again.

My plan is to take a week off and then begin doing JUST stretching again. I will keep this up, 2 days on 1 day off, for 2 weeks, and then I am going to add 10 jelq’s and see what happens. If i can get away with just 10 Jelq’s I will probably do that for about a month just to make sure, then add 5 Jelqs every 2 weeks.

I dont know what else to do…
I might try hanging again; the blood seems to only occurr when I force blood into my penis and not when I am just stretching it.
But I would be devistated if I could only ever work on length again. Who wants an 8 x 5.5 penis? It would look so thin…
I love my O-Bends, my Jelq’s, my Horse440’s, and Clamping…I would cry if my PE career ended before I even got a chance to try pumping. PE is a lifelong endeavour for me, I would really hate to lose something that brings me so much joy.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

I think it could be a good idea speaking with an urologist , and maybe doing some exam on your penis.

You could go ahead doing only lenght-focused PE, anyway. Hanging seems to give girth gains, also, but for now I would avoid it, because some hangers tend to pull a bit of blood inside the shaft.

Best wishes.

You are either gripping entirely too hard or you have a medical issue. Have you considered seeing a doctor?

That sucks man, what is your diet like maybe you are lacking some essentials to help your healing vit c is a major one.

Damn that would freak me out. You jelqing with a 100% hard on?

Jiminy, I am extremely healthy. I excercise and take a multi vitamin every day. I am 23 years old and in great physical shape, and have not been sick with more than a sore throat for more than 5 years.

HangerMan, I jelq with 30-40 % erection. It seems like jelqing at the base causes no bleeding, only when i near the head. Is it possible that I have damaged the “bundle” that connects your internal ligs and things to the glans?

I think you are right Marinara, I should probably see a urologist. But how do I explain it to him? I tug on my weiner to make it bigger and had great results but now blood comes out? I mean, I guess he has no choice but to listen to me, but wont he just tell me to not PE any more? Should I not mention PE at all?

Advice on seeing a urologist please.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Blood? Go to the god dame doctor,that ant normal go tomorrow.

5/27/09 start>>> BP Length 5.5 NBP 5 Girth 5.5

7/16/09>>> BP Length 6 NBP 5.5 Girth 5.5.

Thank you PE and Thunders.

If my penis was bleeding, I would be in the ER within minutes.

Blood coming out of your penis is enough to drop what you are doing and run to the doctor even at 2am.
Who cares if the doctor asks what caused it, that is not to be messed with.

The great elm.

How hard are you gripping. It should be light but just enough to break an egg.

Whiskey, good luck bro. But actually I wouldn’t mind a 8x5.5 penis, lol.

You’ll be ok
You might want to try glutamine or l carnosine. They help heal me sometime,

Short Term Goal. 7.5 NBPEL. 5.5 EG. Long Term Goal 8.25 NBPEL 6.25 EG July 09 6.9NBPEL EG 5.2 August 09 7.1-7.2NBPEL 5.25 EG . October 7.1-7.25NBPEL, 5.25 EG Started at 6.5NBPEL, 4.6 EG

(Insert exceptional quote here) :P

Are you putting pressure on the urethra when you jelq? If you do an overhand grip that dosnt close at the bottom (so you are putting no pressure on the bottom,urethra,CS) does it still bleed?

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
I think you are right Marinara, I should probably see a urologist. But how do I explain it to him? I tug on my weiner to make it bigger and had great results but now blood comes out? I mean, I guess he has no choice but to listen to me, but wont he just tell me to not PE any more? Should I not mention PE at all?

Advice on seeing a urologist please.

He’ll believe you had the injury while masturbating or having an intercourse. On the other hand, jelqing is somewhat a vigorous masturbation, so I don’t see a big problem on this point.

Think if you had to say him that you took viagra and smoked a lot of pot and right after you thrusted your penis inside a key-hole. That would be embarassing.

Hey Whiskey, this is potentially very serious, so go and see a urologist now! Tell him/her the truth, it doesn’t matter one bit to them, they will have heard much worse.

For all the rest of the forum members, this is a timely warning of what can happen when we overdo this PE stuff. I am certainly going to back-off on the jelq pressure after reading this horror story.

The way I see it, you really have 3 options..

1. Go to the urologist. Tell him you noticed this while masturbating.

2. Go to the urologist. Tell him that you tried jelqing and saw blood. Trust me, he will not find it as strange as you think.

3. Go to the urologist. Don’t tell him how it happened, just that you saw blood. Who cares what caused it, you need to have professional eyes on this because it could really be nothing or it could be very serious (because of the high possibility of infection if you have an open wound).

I’m going to be honest with you. I have had an almost paralyzing fear of seeing blood leak out of my dick since I first discovered PE. Its the reason I won’t touch any of the more “extreme” techniques. Either way, Any time blood comes out of somewhere it shouldn’t, a quick swing by a specialist is a good idea. If you have shitty insurance, then swing by the free clinic on your day off and at least ask the Doctor there if he has any advice at all.

Best of luck!


See a doctor.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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