Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing style


Bird2 since you were so kind and answered some questions to me, I’m just looking a bit into future -
How long should I be at newbie routine status with exercising? How much jelqs and kegels (in time or in number) should I be doing at the end of newbie-routine?
I read here that after getting a dick ‘in shape’, just jelqing and kegels aren’t sufficient, I read that next step are pumps, hanging and similar things.
Can I avoid them?

P.s. Have tried stretching with lots of kegels between all the directions, and my head didn’t ‘disappear’! Thanks man!

Originally Posted by avgJosh
Bird2 since you were so kind and answered some questions to me, I’m just looking a bit into future -
How long should I be at newbie routine status with exercising? How much jelqs and kegels (in time or in number) should I be doing at the end of newbie-routine?
I read here that after getting a dick ‘in shape’, just jelqing and kegels aren’t sufficient, I read that next step are pumps, hanging and similar things.
Can I avoid them?

P.s. Have tried stretching with lots of kegels between all the directions, and my head didn’t ‘disappear’! Thanks man!

The advised time to do the newbie routine is at least 3 consistent months. Of course you can do the newbie routine longer if you desire.

At the end I would to 20 minutes of jelqing, 10 at a high erection level (60-80%) which will aim for girth and 10 at a low erection level (20-40%) which will aim for length.

For kegels I would do 3x20 short kegels, 1-3 seconds and 2x10 longer kegels, 10-15 seconds. This has made my dick harder than I ever thought possible. Do them in the following order for optimal results: short, long, short, long, short.

You can avoid pumping, hanging etc. There are plenty of members who only do the newbie routine and others, like me, who only do manual exercises. Do a search for: Ulis, horses, invented v stretch, two way stretch, JAI stretch and clamping. Also adding amazing isometrics to your routine will be a good idea.

A routine with clamping, Ulis, horses and additionally some jelqing is a great routine for getting girth while a routine which has regular, JAI, invented v and two way stretches in it will be a great routine to get to your length goal. Also add jelqing here, your length gains will be better when you jelq. Add the amazing isometrics to speed things up.

Good to hear that your head didn’t disappear :up: .

Good luck at reaching your goals :jumpblue: .

Wow, Bird2, thank you for your advices - I thought that these devices are all inevitable and that there is no other manual exercises, so now I’m very happy about it!

Now that you mentioned jelqing while more flaccid for length and almost hard for girth - how do I stop my dick from being hard? As soon as I do stretching, it is at some 60%, and the more I go into jelqing it gets more hard. So, after doing 50 with one hand, I have a small pause for some 20 kegels where erection drops again to some 60%. Is there any way how to be more flaccid while forcing so much blood in there?

Thank you once again on your advices for a later newbie routine!

Good luck to you too!

Originally Posted by avgJosh
Wow, Bird2, thank you for your advices - I thought that these devices are all inevitable and that there is no other manual exercises, so now I’m very happy about it!
Now that you mentioned jelqing while more flaccid for length and almost hard for girth - how do I stop my dick from being hard? As soon as I do stretching, it is at some 60%, and the more I go into jelqing it gets more hard. So, after doing 50 with one hand, I have a small pause for some 20 kegels where erection drops again to some 60%. Is there any way how to be more flaccid while forcing so much blood in there?
Thank you once again on your advices for a later newbie routine!
Good luck to you too!

Getting used to the erection level and having enough distraction will do the trick for me. I don’t see why it wouldn’t with you.

I was on this website and they described one of the jelqing exercises as jelq and hold. Anyone ever try that exercise? You milk your penis until you reach the head and hold it for 15 seconds. You then repeat with your other hand. They actually consider this an advanced exercise.

Yeah Bird2, distraction is a keyword here - was watching TV yesterday when I did that, and no erection when stretching, and just a required semi for jelqing. That was a great routine.


A month ago, I had just an opposite problem - now I can’t get (semi)hard for jelqing..

Please, any advices what to do?


Originally Posted by avgJosh
A month ago, I had just an opposite problem - now I can’t get (semi)hard for jelqing..
Please, any advices what to do?

If you can’t stay erect enough, watch some porn while jelqing or regulate your erection level with kegels.

Ok, will try, thanks Bird2!


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