Thunder's Place

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Jelqing Technique: Just how far back should I grasp

Jelqing Technique: Just how far back should I grasp

When trying to ‘grasp’ the base of Frederick, I find myself getting confused about where the base actually starts. Should I be pushing back into the fatty skin at the base just to try to get a better grip on his base?

It feels less penis-y and more organy back there when I push inward to grab the base. In those last centimeters Frederick is actually thinner than the rest of him (which is pretty much the same girth all along).

Can I harm any organs back there I should I go ahead and try to get as low as I can get? How far into your body does the shaft actually go?

I do overhands so I can grab somewhat behind the testicles and still get a decent jelq (as far as newb jelqing goes)

Starting; BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.0"

Grasp as much as you can. For some men there is as much penis inside and there is outside, but it’s configured differently. Outside the three main erectile tubes are “bundled” together. Inside they go their separate ways. The two main ones (corpora cavernosa or CC) are attached to the pelvic bone (one to each side). The bulb of the penis, which is the inner part of the corpus spongiosum (CS), is attached, via ligaments, to the anus and is surrounded by the BC muscle. (See this article, with images, and this other image.)

The point of the jelq is to put higher than normal pressure on the tunica which is the tough outer covering of the CC and some pressure on the CS. The overhand grip does this well. Its doubtful you’d hurt anything by gripping a little farther back.

As an aside, if I named my penis I probably wouldn’t be using that name in public. :fie:

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