just doing one does what?!
hello im a n00b here and i just wanted to ask some questions i have been doing pe for a month or so but stoped inbetween because of this before i use to do streches and i never saw any results after the month and 1/2 i did it other than it was making me stay up later at night and feel sore in a not work out way but pain way so i stopped and was mad cuz there was no size results so then i tried doing jelqing now for about a week now and i was just wondering this you see im doing just jelqing once a night like how i was doing just the stretching a month before but all i do is just jelqing now because i heard its the best results to show length/width and the most effective but will just jelqing work will i still have to do stretching because before it just seem like a pain and tiresome but i was wondering if doing one will work or do i HAVE to do both i am 17 right now and i have NO growth results since puberty i have been 5 inches hardened no more and less and as for width i dont know how to measure that but it seems under :( well if you can help out please can tell me what is best to do and what not to do thanks
-anime GOD