Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just found out my gf's experience with size

I had a g/f once that told me flat out that I was not big as her other boyfriends where. I simply replied with “I am not f**king you for your pleasure.” She never mentioned it again. :p

Hey Shadow, welcome to Thunders.

We have had lots of discussions here on how women perceive penis size. And we now know without a shadow of a doubt. They are always wrong, they never seem to know how big the damn thing is. And they always guess to high. I had a girl guess mine, her words 7 maybe 8. I was less than 6 at the time. They just don’t know. But one things for sure, she is in bed with some guy right now telling him about me her 8 inch lover.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

marty5379 - I love it too but you know, some days its just not great. I’m sure you know what those days are. She told me she has never ever had a guy be so tentative to her, love eating pussy that much and also be so great at it. Mind you, I don’t keep it my first priority but I do like to pleasure my women in many ways. I guess its true about what they say, I’m trying to compensate for the smaller things I have:P. Hey, at least I admit it!!

Brisk - Haha, thats a good way to put it. Wish I could do something like that. A friend of mine had a short term gf and one time when they were having sex, he gave her a oral orgasm and when she came, she handed him a mag and said “here, pleasure yourself”. Now ain’t that a bitch!!

deadeye - …and that my friend is what makes it all worthwhile:)

I don’t think I’ll be able to start my routine yet. It seems like that stretch I did a few days ago is still healing from something I torn.

Every girl I ever asked that question answered with the dreaded 9” to over 10” previous flings… Well past my meager puppet.. I just quit asking lol.. It is interesting to see that everyone here seems to get the same answer… Welcome to Thunder’s Place….


Hey Guys,

Today I had my first PE session. Did the newbie routine and wow, you can actually feel the difference. I know it was my first session but after I was done I could really feel the blood flowing in my dick and the veins were much more clearer. It felt rejuvenated like a few hours working out at the gym. The first minutes of jelq I was doing it all wrong, did 1 second strokes, hand co-ordination was wrong but after all that it was great. I really wanted to go on much longer than 10 minutes because you can feel it working but I know I should stick to the newbie routine for now. I was thinking after 1 week I increase the stretch time to 10 min and jelq to 15 min. Then 2 weeks later increase jelq to 20 min. One month later increase stretch to 20 min and jelq to 30 min. I’m wondering if this would hurt more than gain

I just wanted to say thanks everyone for all your help and I’m looking forward to the gains!!!

PS - I solved my sensitive dick problem. The problem was every touch I became erect. So I masturbate, take a hot 10 min shower, then PE right afterwards. This way my dick is really warm and it stays at 60-70% erect

My g/f also told me she had bigger and that it hurt and was very uncomfortable. She said she couldn’t wait for it to be over. Her longest relationship was 7 years and the guy was tiny she said. She has never had a vaginal orgasm, but climaxes easily with the clitoris. So I’m in heaven just above average size and I do love to go down on her.

Bottom line is this, there are millions upon millions of average sized guys, and trillions before us. If you can increase it, great, if not, who cares. Make more money. They’re all a bunch of sluts anyway f*king everyone they can.


Shadow_cruiser, you are the same girth as me.

I would just like to say, when you are finishing your newbie stage, PLEASE don’t overdo all the other more advanced exercises. Us guys under average often get too eager and damage ourselves, it takes a long time to heal and will depress you. You have plenty of time, communicate with your girlfriend as much as you can and get there slowly. Also, don’t try too many of the advanced exercises in one go. See what you can get used to and stick with it and then add the next exercise e.t.c.

Good luck mate, we both deserve the gains as much as the others ;)

P.s. I injured myself and I didn’t think I was going too crazy - but I know I could’ve took more time to get into the exercises instead of rushing.

Originally Posted by shadow_cruiser
A friend of mine had a short term gf and one time when they were having sex, he gave her a oral orgasm and when she came, she handed him a mag and said “here, pleasure yourself”. Now ain’t that a bitch!!

Bitch indeed

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

I’d prefer the old days when women had 1 or maybe 2 partners, not 50-100. You know, when they stayed at home to raise the children, instead of going out to bars. Going out drinking and showing tons of skin with tattoos creeping out of their asses, dancing provocatively, making out with other women, and breaking up with their b/fs because they’re bored. Yeah IMO many single American women are a lost cause. I’ve spent my whole life here but I primarily date women elsewhere.

In fact, PE should be a non-issue. Women are wielding a lot of power these days. They can reach the top in business, earn as much, and can get their pleasure with as many men or women as they want without the pressure of looking like a slut any more. I’m dissatisfied with the choices out there, everyone I meet in their 30s has had dozens of partners and it’s all just seeming very sh*ty to me.


rundown -

One week after newbine routine - 10 min. stretch and 15 min jelq
Two weeks later - 10 min. stretch and 20 min jelq
One month later - 20 min. stretch and 30 min jelq

So this would be over-doing it?. Let me know what you think. Right now I’m just doing simple manual stretches and wet jelq. I’ll be sticking with these two for a few months because I just don’t want to do anything advanced anytime soon and ruin the little general. Can I ask what you did to injure yourself?. Thanks

wangchung - I know exactly what you mean. I wish things weren’t like that these days but unfortunately they are and there’s nothing we can do about it

Originally Posted by shadow_cruiser
wangchung - I know exactly what you mean. I wish things weren’t like that these days but unfortunately they are and there’s nothing we can do about it

There are good women out there, but they sure aren’t the sexy ones. It would be nice if the good looking ones didn’t always go the way of the slut. But I live in South Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach), and they are just plain ruined. I wouldn’t want to raise a child here either. Maybe I should get out of here, I don’t know, but I’m spoiled by everything else S. FL has to offer and it’s hard to find someone decent. Where do you live Shadow_Cruiser?

Originally Posted by wangchung
They’re all a bunch of sluts anyway f*king everyone they can.

Wang, your ability to stereotype and entire gender is amazingly simplistic. When you see women in bars, and clubs, and you see that they are promiscuous. Can’t you concede that maybe it’s not all women. But in fact the women that go to bars perhaps. And can’t you consider that the women that aren’t out on the town maybe aren’t as visible. How can you witness a nice girl that doesn’t have sex with strangers, stays at home, on Saturday night and reads a book. And then goes to church on Sunday. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

My sister is one of these women. She is very pretty, she doesn’t drink or go to bars. And I’ll bet guys like you see her and think all those stereotypical thoughts. She must have a boyfriend, she probably fucks a different guy every week. She goes on the occasional date, the women probably hasn’t had sex in three years (the last time she had a boyfriend). And let me tell you she is very good looking.

Originally Posted by wangchung
There are good women out there, but they sure aren’t the sexy ones.

Your just hurting yourself with your view of women. The ironic thing is, when you meet a good one, you have already decided in your mind that she is shit. So actually you would find it virtually impossible for you to get a good one. Because a nice decent women wouldn’t have anything to do with such a narrow minded person as yourself.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Deadeye,,,hey buddy,,,lets talk about that sister….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

As someone who has long asserted that most pussy can accomodate more size than many guys would care to realize, I think the ketchup body scenario is bullshit (on their part).

As I’ve stated before, I think most women can handle (and most certainly enjoy) an 8 x 6, but some of these numbers get ridiculous. Even most men don’t know how big 7.5” girth is (usually larger than their wrists). Try shoving that into most women and they’d have a heart attack.

Many women say shit just to tug our chain - even when they’re not being “malicious.” They think, “Oh, you know, guys and their dicks.” One of my two monster-cocked buddies from high school was told me what an older black woman said after he pounded her, “Ah, you’re not too small - for a white guy.”

The dude was like 9 x 6. Who did she think she was shitting? I never did solicit cock info on ex’s from women (only discussed the subject 2x with my wife in 18 years - and never with any other woman). Even when two other women have offered unsolicited info about my “big dick,” I never pursued the matter in any way and, in fact, acted unconcerned about their input. I gathered my “feedback” in other ways (i.e., their moans, the waves of convulsions that sweep over their bodies, etc.).


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