Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just saying hi

Just saying hi

I’ve been lurking around for a while just catching up on things and finding out as much as I can about PE.Thought I would do that because I’d be able to contribute more once I knew abit about it. Only started my proper routine about a week ago as I’m now unemployed for the summer (Thats a good thing!!) . Starting pretty much with the newbie routine , hot wrap , 10-15 mins stretching and about 100 wet jelqs. Did 4 days on and 1 off last week with no sign of injury so will probably continue as I am. I guess I would fit into the Mr Average catagory at 6.3 x 5 (Bp and girth is pretty rough measurement) At the moment my goal is just to see some growth in about 6 weeks (however small) just to clear any skepticism (also going on holiday with GF then so would be nice to know that in the future I could be bigger ). Lastly , if anyone hasn’t read YGuys progress report they really should , I found it the most inspirational post that I’ve read!!!

P.S - It took me ages to write this because I had to keep changing the spelling and grammar because I didn’t want to get pulled up on my intro post! Laters everyone!

Hey Goodbye6, Thanks for the compliments about my Progress Report.

There’s a lot of information and advice here on these forums. The more you read and learn, the better off you’ll be. We’re here to help if you run into any problems or questions.

And when you see some growth, you’ll get addicted ;)

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Hey Goodbye6 welcome to realm of posters.

I just want to make a couple of comments/suggestions. From my own experience and from having read many other’s posts, don’t get discouraged if you don’t get any gains in 6 weeks. THAT IS A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.

I know you want to make sure that all this isn’t a bunch of BS and a waste of time but really only a few make much gains that quick. I’d give yourself at least 2-3 months to see a gain perhaps even a quarter inch!

Also you said you made a rough estimate of your size. Do yourself a BIG favor and really make sure of your measuring technique.

I’d suggest trying to get what you feel is a really strong erection, use a wood ruler (or some thick ruler so it doesn’t hurt when you press in I first used a thin metal one and it hurt) and press it VERY firmly into the pubic bone along the top of the penis.

I would try and do this on a couple of consecutive days at the beginning to make sure you have a good beginning measurement.

For girth measurement I’d recommend using a THIN piece of string and mark with a pen then measure that to a ruler. If you use a thicker piece of string/twine/rope you get a bigger number and it is not as accurate. You may also use a flexible tape measure but again if it is thick the number comes out high. (I mean these won’t be drastically different but an 1//8” or 1/4’ can make a big difference in measuring.

And have that ruler ready when you’re going to measure, for some reason for most of us when thoughts of measurement or a ruler gets close, little Joe goes into withdrawals for some reason.

If you read many posts you will see many of us still doubt about our measuring and being careful and certain from the start will really help your head. And since you sound like you have doubts why wait six or more weeks for results and then still have to wonder?

Lastly, however you decide to measure, consistency is the key. Measure the same way every time that way regardless what your “true size” at least you will know if your gaining or not.

Oh yeah another thing watch out for that part of the ruler at the end sometimes there is a quarter inch or so that isn’t used in the actually markings make sure to take that into consideration. Write down if you add that back to your measurement on the ruler to remind yourself. I forgot to at first and so my first bit of gain were questionable to me. There is a link at the bottom of every page to PE’s data site, you can enter your measurements periodically and make notations. And veiw others info.

I’m sure someone else will chime in on other important points. (they probably already have by the time this posts).

I’m sure you’ll make gains. Consistency, dedication and time are what it takes.

Good luck

Thanks for the advice , I think you are right , 6 weeks is short , i guess I am just eager! The ruler I use does have a little gap at the bottom so I’l remeasure and get a proper girth reading too. I am not sure whether jelqing agrees with me , afterwards although I feel pumped , my dick feels weak,tender and I seem to lose sex drive . I can put the first two down to the stress you put on your member while jelqing but loss of sex drive?? I am pretty sure I am not over jelqing as I never do it for more than about 15 minutes.


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