Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Length is 7.25-7.5ish. Want solid 8in


If you already do have good girth- get a new condom (normal size) and cut off the tip to make it into a lubricated ring. Place ring as far towards the body as possible and then somehow (your choice) work yourself into arousal. Once you are “on the go,” start kegeling into the penis, and the more you kegel the more of a solid “lock” you will achieve. Then- hell, just keep kegeling until it feels like it wants to burst- rinse and repeat (and take a measurement while you are at full pump.) That measurement will encourage you to do it again and again until you achieve that size without the ring. Obsession, obsession.obsess.rinse and repeat.

Huh kewl idea… as for it giving you very much length I doubt but definitely a good kegaling routine… I’ll try that

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

Originally Posted by LionofLV777
Hey everybody,

I just discovered this site, and to be honest, I’m surprised you can actually make your dick bigger. (I always thought the penis enlargement pills/techniques were bullshit.) So let me tell you where my minds at right now.

I’d always known I had a good sized dick, but I never knew if it was just above average or actually ‘big.’ I measured my dick a few years ago (21ish years of age) and the exact measurements were about 7 long, 5 3/4 girth. I was happy with this size, the way I saw it, nobody could complain about the size of my dick. Fast forward, I was having sex a month ago and the women I was banging kept saying, ‘You’re hurting me you’re hurting me.’ I thought she was just talking dirty and didn’t take it serious. Anywho, a few days ago I randomly decided to measure my dick (25 years old) and the measurements I received were: 7.5 ‘100% rockhard’ and a solid 6.5 girth. This surprised the hell out of me. My dick actually got bigger on it’s own.

So, now that you have an idea of what I’m at, let me ask you a few questions.

#1. How long will it take to increase just the length of my dick from the low-mid 7’s to a solid 8? (I think the girth is fine. Idc if it gets any thicker. I already have problems sliding it in sometimes)
#2. What exercises/techniques (without purchasing equipment) do I have to do in order to achieve this target length?

Thanks for your time, the simpler the answer the better.

Wow, 7.5”nbpel or bpel? 7.5” nbpel has got to be the to be plenty enough to not think about PE.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"


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