Thunder's Place

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Length seems to have stop and no girth gains

Length seems to have stop and no girth gains

My gains have seemed to stop or slowed down some and my girth hasn’t really changed, and I’ve been doing PE for about 3 months. What should I do?

Depends what you’ve been doing. Describe your routine.

I do the warm wrap to loosing up, then jelq for about 250 to 300 strokes then warm wrap again. Something I’m doing wrong?

I haven’t seen any girth gains yet ,either (1 month of PE only, though), but had a nice BPEL gain of 0.35”.The only thing I am doing differently to your routine is that I have some manual stretches, maybe you should throw some of those in your routine.So did you mean to say you gained length?If so how much?

Stats(11-01-05):6'' BPEL x 4.56'' EG 12-01-05 :6.35'' BPEL x 4.56" EG 01-01-06 :6.5'' BPEL x 4.63'' EG 5-month goal: 6.75'' BPEL x 5'' EG Final goal: 8.25'' BPEL x 6.25'' EG

Since you’ve gone through 3 months of conditioning..

Try stepping up to the more advanced techniques.

I’m just a newbie, so I don’t really know much about them but try looking into those, like:

Horse440s, Clamping, Hanging, Pumping, Stretching Devices.. All those good stuff.

Just make sure you do your research before getting into those.

Originally Posted by JustWanaBe
Since you’ve gone through 3 months of conditioning..

Try stepping up to the more advanced techniques.

I’m just a newbie, so I don’t really know much about them but try looking into those, like:

Horse440s, Clamping, Hanging, Pumping, Stretching Devices.. All those good stuff.

Just make sure you do your research before getting into those.

Yeah I agree, do several different stretches for length like regular stretch and inverted v stretch and Ulis, horses and clamping for girth. Do your research in these techniques.

For veinage do this technique:
Great Veinage Technique

And definitely do this technique:
Amazing Isometrics - expand gain potential and cut down PE duration

Originally Posted by ineedhelp101
My gains have seemed to stop or slowed down some and my girth hasn’t really changed, and I’ve been doing PE for about 3 months. What should I do?

From what I have read here, I believe you should not worry about girth gains until you have gotten close to your length goal. If you have been doing the newbie routine all this time and feel that your penis has been conditioned enough to do more, you can start adding to your routine. You can do more of what you’re already doing, or add some new exercises, or stretches. I also have come to a point where my gains suddenly slowed, so I changed up my routine again. I measured this morning and have gained another 1/16”. IMO, changing your routine every time your gains seem to stop should help to achieve more gains, even if just small gains.

Do some stretches to get to length faster, then focus on length.

keep the jelqs up so you dont lose any girth ;)

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If you had quick gains as a newbie, and you gains have slowed, take a deconditioning break.

If you did not have quick gains (you did not specify how much you gained), then you have not found a sweet spot at which your penis responds. In that case, change your routine; Add or subtract exercises. You appear to have been doing less than the newbie routine, as you are only jelqing. Try throwing in the rest of the routine, perhaps with some squeezes, or other light girth exercise.

If they had newbie gains, everybody wishes they could get back to gaining at the rate they were as a newbie. The way to do this is to take a deconditioning break.


Ok thank you everybody.


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