Long Vs Short Decon

So I’ve been doing PE for a year and I’ve had very little gains. Some beginners gains in length, and I think finally hit 1/16th-1/8th in. Increase of girth. I’ll take it, but wasn’t what I was hoping for. My routine for the last 6 months has consisted of: ~100 dry jelqs, 30 min pumping @4hg, manual stretches. I do a 6 week on, 1 week off routine. Either every other day or 2 on 1 off. (I tried doing 5 on, 2 off and it’s not for me.)

My subjective question, would be if you guys think it would be wise for me to take an extended Decon break for about 3 months? Or to continue my mini decon. I’ve actually extended my routinely planned 1 week break and am now coming up on 3 weeks off. I felt a bit overworked from trying to do 5 on 2 off. I’m worried I’ll lose the little gains I did have, and lose EQ if I take the extended Decon, but maybe there’s a greater possibility to gain in the future? Or should 3 weeks break at this point in my journey suffice? I felt I maybe started off a little too hard in my “career”, but quickly backed off. Thank you for the input.