Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

LOT-confused? use link! oh and a question about volume measurement

LOT-confused? use link! oh and a question about volume measurement

I started pe a wekk ago or so.. im still confused about the LOT.

I jelq/stretch mostly from 8-11 a clock by automatics ;)

but this link is the best thread i found about LOT: (and I’ll find my LOT this time!)

The most often asked and annoying questions!

How do I measure my own dick volume ? (in either cubic inch or cubic centimetres - I prefer the last, haha)

As I think volume is the most exact proof that ‘results’ are there. To now the volume is rising isn’t that all you need to know..


I agree with you that volume is “proof” but it is much more difficult to measure. I did a post shortly after I started PE, about how the volume of my penis was growing at a steady pace, but I couldn’t see the results in the measurements. At the time I thought I was having an original idea, but it turns out there was a lot of insite into penis volume. There are also some volume calculators somewhere around, I don’t know where.

IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !


your stats say 218 lbs to 198 lbs -what does that mean ???? Does it mean that the weight of your penis dropped ? is 218 lbs around the same as 100 kg? I dont get it. If its volume measurement is it then cubic inch or cubic centimetres? In other words what do you mean by lbs ? Can you explain this to me please?


OK, here is a method for measuring cock volume. I have never done it and don’t think it is that accurate, but what do I know?

Fill, say, a wide mouth 2 quart (liter) container to the brim with water. Get a hard-on, and as best you can, insert your cock into the container so that the water is displaced and overflows (probably best to use warm water huh?). Then measure the amount of water it takes to refill the container and there it is, cock volume.

Like I said, I have never done it, so you work out the kinks, but it is a volume measurement.

If you want a really rough mathematical measurement, which doesn’t take into account a lot of things and assumes your cock is cylindrical then you can use the following:

It doesn’t matter whether you use inches or cm, as long as you don’t mix and match.

G = girth = circumference of a cross section of the penis, I’d take an average (Base girth + midshaft + Head divided by 3)
R = Radius = half of the thickness of your penis (assuming it is a cylinder)
A = Average area of cross section of your penis
V= Volume of your penis
L = erect length

To find R:

R=G/6.284 (your girth divided by 6.284)

To find A:


To find V:



Or… V=3.142 * G/6.284 * G/6.284* L


The fact that it is not precise shouldn’t matter if you always use this measurement, since it will show the growth accurately, even if it doesn’t show the volume accurately.

I am pretty sure that this is the calculation used in Size’s size database, so if you don’t want to do the math yourself, just input the data into Size’s data base and let it do the hard work for you.



nevermind lol!!! im not gonna calculate all that..looks like ur using the doubled pi’ in formula..

gprent101 > now you’re talking! hmm i guess that’s the easiest way, which is far from easy as using a mresuring band. hey who knows maybe i’ll slip my dick in a bucket of water soon!


Ok, so what everyone seems to be suggesting is that it is possible to realize Further gains in volume without corresponding increases in size or girth?

I’m no mathematician, but from a purely amateur, or should that be amateur, perspective that just doesn’t seem possible.

I think the point is that a small linear increase (ie length and/or girth) can make a big volumetric increase. For instance, going from 6x4.5 to 7.5x5.5 is only a 25% increase in length and a 30% increase in girth, but an 80% increase in volume. So nearly doubles the size of your dick.


The proof of the pudding is when you have sexual intercourse. Even if the measuring device doesn’t show the increase in volume, you’ll feel the difference and so will she.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


In my “real job” as an research instrument designer and builder, I run into this kind of problem frequently. You must think “out of the box”, using what you already know. It seems that a plastic cylinder, like a pump tube with an open top could be used as a “graduated cylinder”, with the erect cock in the bottom displacing its volume of water in the cylinder, thereby giving a precise measure of the volume. But as Horse said ” the proof of the pudding is when you have sexual intercourse…you’ll feel the difference and so will she.” I have not made great gains since I got back into PE, and I am measuring my gains for objective proof, but my wife’s moans lately are personally more satisfying than the raw numbers.


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