Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lots Of Beginner PE Does This Mean Bigger Gains or Smaller Gains

Lots Of Beginner PE Does This Mean Bigger Gains or Smaller Gains

Hey, I’m new to PE and Thunder’s, which by the way is awesome! Anyway, I read on this forum that one guy (don’t remember who) gained an inch in his first month and that he did lots of PE (mainly jelqing) to get there. I’ve also read that beginners are often able to get faster growth than later on because the penis hasn’t had time to adapt. But, this also means that it is therefore more susceptible to injury. Does this mean that there are more micro tears and more stretching of the ligaments being created during a beginner’s PE (or that these effects are more pronounced in a beginner)? If so, wouldn’t it mean that if I was to start PE at a high intensity I’d see bigger gains than if I slowly built up to this same intensity?
Here’s my routine (Though I haven’t started yet):

By the way, I’m planning on increasing jelqing time by 10 min every week or so (too fast?) and doing more stretching, including the use of an all day stretcher and/or a traction device from if it means faster results. Any comments will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

10 min.

Basic Stretching
- Down
- Up
- Straight out
- Left
- Right
- Down and to the right
- Down and to the left
- Up and to the right
- Up and to the left
Between 30 sec to 1 min each rep, 2 reps per stretch

The Rotating Stretch
10 sec per rep, 6 reps per session

10 min

Repeat Warm-up

Starting Stats: BPEL: 6.25" EG: 4.5" Goal: 8" x 6"

Don’t buy any devices. At least for now. See how the manual stuff goes.

Looks like a good routine, maybe increase the jelqing up to 15 minnutes over the course of the first month or two.

Beginners growing more early on, is probably mostly down to ligament gains and there may be an age variant in the mix - recovering lost length for older guys.

You don’t need to do as much work early on, beyond the injury issue the penis/ligs are unused to the stresses.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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