I’ve read many times that 50 mg of zinc supplementation is the upper limit and many of the writers who sound like they know their subject (at least to me) suggest only 25 mg because of the zinc we get also through our diet. If you want to have a real zinc splurge, eat a small can of smoked oysters. Lots of it there.
Only a guess, but North knows that his income depends a lot on the quantity of his “money shots” so it is very likely he isn’t ejaculating real often at home just before he makes a flic.
When I was researching that ejaculation article for Thunders, the highest volume reported in medical studies I read was 14 ml, this among many hundreds of study subjects who were submitting semen for fertility studies and for studies on ejaculation function and dysfunction. When you consider that 2 - 5 ml is the average volume for a healthy male, 14 ml is off the wall.
We’re all different. I average 3 ejaculations a week, sex and masturbation, and I know that my average volume runs between 9 - 11 ml. I can’t tell you exactly what my volume was prior to L-a supplementation (for over 2 yrs now) but I’d guess 6 ml or a tad above that. Nor can I tell you how frequently you can ejaculate and keep your volume on the high end. But all these numbers seem to me to be completely academic anyway.
What counts more to me is something else. How intense and long-lasting is the orgasm that produces the ejaculate? One thing I do believe from doing a good deal of learning and experimenting is that more ejaculate volume tends to produce a longer-lasting ejaculation unless, I am guessing, one has a very wide urethral tube.
Orgasmic duration does have to do with how many contractions you experience when you ejaculate. If more, it lasts longer than if fewer. If your volume is on the high end, you are likely to have more contractions and longer lasting orgasms. I don’t care much about the visual at all. I think the kick is almost entirely in what the orgasm feels like. But then, I don’t do this for money. :)