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Maintaining erection for jelqing

Maintaining erection for jelqing

Jelqing as I read is in between 50-80% full erection - how do you guys maintain it for 15-20 minutes when it is such a mechanical action. My mind always starts to wander after about 3-4 minutes, and I will lose my erection, although I am still concentrating on the jelq.

Watch porn while jelqing.

Thats a good idea, but I want to stay away from that as well. But thanks for the suggestion.

Just keep trying. Some dudes have trouble keeping it up at that erection level, and others can’t jelq for very long without their penises becoming fully erect. Just keep at it as best you can. Your penis’s reaction will become trained just like any other body part. Three minutes will give you roughly enough time for 60, 3 second jelqs. If you have to stop and get it hard again, that’s just fine. Then get yourself another 40 jelqs for an even 100.That’s five minutes. In reality it will take you 5 or 6 minutes. And that’s plenty of jelqs for your first week. I started out doing 100 jelqs per day and then wore an extender for 2 to 4 hours after my workout, and I gained 1/4 inch in length my first week. Which was pretty lucky, but if you’re just starting out, I wouldn’t try to do jelqs for much longer than 5 or 6 minutes anyways.

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