Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Major Problem - Please Help

Major Problem - Please Help

i have been doing PE for a short period of time… smthing like 1 month
i stopped the excersize 2 weeks ago and in the last time my penis is not getting full erection at all…
it seems shorter and much less full.
i have to try very hard until it looks like what it has been before

what should i do????? or what should i stop doing?!?!
please help!

First of all, you have to read the Forum Guidelines and start using capital letters to begin your sentences with as well as the pronoun “I”.

Second, we are not mind readers. What exactly did you do in your PE routine and how hard did you do it? Your’s sounds like a classic case of doing too much, too soon, and too hard, but until you tell us, can’t tell for sure.

Originally Posted by kevin little
i have been doing PE for a short period of time… smthing like 1 month
i stopped the excersize 2 weeks ago and in the last time my penis is not getting full erection at all…
it seems shorter and much less full.
i have to try very hard until it looks like what it has been before

what should i do????? or what should i stop doing?!?!
please help!

You did PE for 1 month, then stopped for the last two weeks. Then did you start PE again, or have you not done any PE for two weeks?

If you have re-started PE, then you may have “fatigued” your dick, and it will get hard after a day or two of rest. If you haven’t done any PE in two weeks, then there may be other factors causing you problems. First and foremost in my mind would be psychological issues. Such as the size seeming smaller, or erection quality seeming deminished. My advice to you would be to relax and let your dick be what it is going to be, you can help it to become more, but it must be what it is going to be, whether it is small , large, hard or soft.

Let us know what happens.

IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !

Thank you very much and sorry for not following the rules
I’m afraid that the little that I’ve done has caused damage.
I feel that the bloodflow in the area is decreased
Is there a way to improve this?



What have you actually done? Were you following the newbie routine? Some other routine?

Did this happen after a particularly intense session?

Provide as much information as you can.


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