Hmmm. I think loco has a good point, he just didn’t put it too well.
If you weren’t happy with you’re eating habits as a youth then why have you waited so long to change them now? As soon as you become an adult you have the opportunity to change/correct your lifestyle from how it was when you grew up under you’re parents supervision.
If you don’t treat your body with respect and give it all that it needs to stay healthy and fight viruses and grow strong then any problems you get with both mind and body can only be your responsibility.
Sure money, jobs, lifestyle all affect how we live our lives and how much time we have to take care of ourselves and how much we have to spend on food etc, but quality meals can be made with little money. It’s a question of education. After all, whats the point in busting your ass in too jobs to get some money if you risk getting ill with something serious? Where would you be then? How would you then work your two jobs? Why don’t you learn how to cook to some simple quick healthy meals? In poorer countries there are many large families that manage to feed themselves by using their resources and are educated in how to cook nutritious meals for cheap, by harvesting their surroundings and knowing how to use herbs and spices etc. A little knowledge of cookery can help you make good meals out of few/cheap ingredients that don’t take up much time.
Maybe you should research some recipies here on the internet. Good luck with PE!
PS vitamin pills are never as good (and shouldn’t be a substitute for) fresh fruit and veggies.